
Now I'm in the mood for an Orange Julius.
DC/Warner don't own Superman, or at least they won't for long. There's been a pretty complicated lawsuit between Warner/DC and the estates of the creators of Superman, which at this point has ruled that a substantial portion of the Superman intellectual property belongs (or will belong) to the Siegel and Shuster estates. I don't completely understand all of it (it's crazy complicated), but as far as I can tell the court ruled something along the lines of Warner needing to start production on a film by 2011, or the estates could sue for lost money connected to the production of a movie. As it stands, the rights to the various concepts of Superman will be split in 2013, so Warner will lose rights to things like: Clark Kent, Lois Lane, the costume, the origin, some of his abilities (e.g. leap over tall buildings), etc. I think Warner needs to make the movie so future films could use the concepts/story/characters as a version of Superman they own completely. But I could be wrong. This is all based on stuff written by people who know far more about the law than I do.
Or it could be for "Homeless Legs", which is a show I would definitely watch.
I think if Peter Berg wants to make a movie of Friday Night Lights, he should probably get someone like Billy Bob Thornton to star in it, and maybe someone from one of those Fast and Furious flicks. But never mind, that, I want to know more about Connie Britton sitting on the couch. What was she wearing? Was she lounging about? Pics, please!
One more try then I give up.
Damn. Never mind.
If it were me, I'd be more concerned that nobody on the flight seems to know where they're going. One person says San Francisco. Another says Vegas. Why are these "gays" so confused about their destination?!? Who is responsible for boarding procedures on all-homosexual flights?!?
"I apologize if anyone was offended by what one prominent Latino Fox journalist said was something that the kid was totally asking for by wearing a hoodie. By putting responsibility on my trigger finger to take care of what I perceive to be a very real problem in my neighborhood, I may have obscured the fact that the kid was innocent and may have interfered with his continuing existence. I remain convinced that the kid was asking for trouble, and I have enough trouble as it is with my racism and delusions of heroism and twisted sense of vigilante justice without some black kid who doesn't belong in my community provoking my insane paranoid homicidal reaction. Also, it was self defense. Nyah nyah." - George Zimmerman
Hooray for Mad Men Gifs!
Saturday Night Hay Fever
We Need to Talk About Camping
I think we all agree that the guy who invented the months should have considered how it would affect this person (who is, after all, being perfectly reasonable), at this time right now, in 2012.
I can't login through Facebook, because I decided not to do anything via Facebook, even though I do have a Facebook account, but I am one of those people who are on Facebook but never even filled out a profile or anything. I also have a Twitter account, but instead of being one of those people who got on Twitter and only posted once, I got on Twitter and never posted anything. It's not that I'm afraid to use Facebook or Twitter, or even have a philosophical opposition to social media or whatever, it's more that I have nothing at all happening to update my status, and also I think my opinions are not so important or funny and also nobody's interested. And now it's been so long that there would have to be a really fantastic thing to be the first post. So I don't expect to win the contest. If I were to take that long-winded explanation and boil it down to a headline, that headline would read: "Porno Sex Addict Rocks New York!"
Love Don't Cost A Thing. So, Don't Worry, Really, I Wasn't Expecting Anything for My Birthday.
While You Were Sleeping, I Helped Your Father Move the Sofa. No, It's OK, My Back Is Fine.
Forget Paris. We'll Just Stay Home. I Don't Even Want to Go.
I'm Not There, But Go Ahead, Have A Good Time, I Have Work to Do Anyway
Around the World In 80 Days, But You Can't Drive Across Town For A Visit Once In A While?
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. But I Guess That's What People Like Nowadays.