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"Their laughter rattled through the room like a cup of marbles falling over on a hardwood floor" is the best simile I have read today and this is the best movie review. Mans, you poet!
I've realized that I can relate to Blais and his insecurities. I hated writing exams and was always convinced I'd failed even though I'd done fine (I could probably win Top Exam (perfect analogy)). The stress gets to you, you guys! What I'm saying is, Blais and I should be in a low self-esteem support group together and he should cater all the meetings.
Oh, Dale! I am not too proud to admit that I shed a tear when you were eliminated because I am a sympathy crier and also knowing I have to see Mike Isabella's face again next week. I will miss you, but I'm glad you're in a better place now (Top Chef heaven).
Right? I don't know if I've ever been more disappointed that someone wasn't eliminated. That ending would have improved the episode by about 300% (rough estimate).
Yeah, that's too bad because I have kind of been enjoying his ridiculous cockiness lately. For some reason when it comes from Marcel it makes me laugh; when it comes from Mike Isabella it makes me want to kill Mike Isabella.
I like both Dales (controversial?), so I was happy Dale won and sad Dale lost. But also so happy they finally came to their senses about Stephen! How did that take three weeks? So on balance, I'm pretty happy.
Her face is TOTALLY weird! Whether she is happy, angry, or smug her face looks exactly the same.
I can't wait for him to open a breakfast joint called Statutory Crepe.
I am so excited that Kyle Chandler and Connie Britton finally got frigging nominated! Nothing else matters.
Was it the episode where someone went home even though their dish was obviously not the worst but the judges wanted to teach them a lesson for refusing to admit their mistakes?
A friend of mine was telling some folks about the actor who played "Dumbledorf" just yesterday.
Can I just say how much I love Clark Johnson? The best. "Some shameful shit right here." - Gus Haynes
Did Copenhagen get annexed by Norway when I wasn't looking?!
According to my research (googling Dr. Luke after he was mentioned above) that is because all their songs are written by the same person! I know, my mind is blown too.
I don't know, "you need to learn to breathe through your coccyx" sounds exactly like the kind of thing my non-fictional college theatre professor would have said. I completely believe her.
Ugh, umbrellas are the worst! They are so awkward to carry in the first place and then you inevitably forget them on the subway and end up getting wet anyway! To sum up: moms good, umbrellas bad.
This video made me feel strangely claustrophobic - I kept backing away from my computer because it felt TOO CLOSE and INTENSE. Zoom out! Zoom out! Sexy closeups of $100 bills flying at my face obviously terrify me. First world white people problems.
Where is my (hot tub) time machine, I need to go back and send a complaint letter to the CRTC! Canadiangum.
My understanding was that she gets tips sent to her by eavesdroppers through the magic of telecommunications. I am not saying this is particularly plausible, just probably more plausible than almost everything else that happens on the show.