
SPOILER ALERT: It does indeed rain.
Remember when the movie used the phrase "born from a boombox" at least three times? That was almost as amazing as when they made out in the midst of a windstorm made out of garbage and icee juice, which was in turn almost as amazing as when Moose accidentally knocked a pipe, and water got everywhere, and everyone was like, holy shit dance battle canceled! thanks for nothing, kid! but then moose and the pirates showed everyone that water just makes dance battles that much better!!
Remember when he super-vampire-fast texted? That was great. Come back, Franklin!
I think you mean NICOLE. "Sheesh!" - jerseyshoregum.
Sammi: "I just feel like, I don't even know." Snooki: (immediately) "I know how you feel."
what the fuck is a marmot?
That's how they get you! Curiosity about a baffling and terrible clip leads directly to obsessive watching and writing fanfiction in which Bristol and that 14-yr-old with a baby and so much eye makeup "make love" (that's what they and you will call it) but probably their love is not accepted for a while or something except within the confines of lesbian teen mom musician camp that they end up at without even knowing that's where they're going! Anyway, that's my prediction for you, tps12.
(did not mean to steal that from babyfriday :( )
You mean that one where people come to terms with things?
What's that one where people keep hanging up their phones without saying goodbye? which is weird b/c whenever i talk to anyone in my family on the phone I end saying goodbye like six times in a row? anyone know that one?
Am I the only one who suspects that whoever wrote that press release doesn't understand what "pastel" means?
No offense to myself, but She's The Man is one of my favorite films.
Is there a genre of youtube video in which people talk (worriedly, horrifiedly, ecstatically) about how the video is going to end up on youtube? Can we name that? Is this the future?
you have truly explained it all, explainer guy.
I'm just gonna go ahead and call the best on the safety dance dance. Called! everyone else be quiet.
To be fair, this is probably important news to crazy people. Let's be fair here!
What's up with this? Tell the truth, who you with? How would you like it if I came over with my clique? Don't try to change it now, sayin' you gotta bounce when two seconds ago, you said you just got in the house. It's hard to believe that you are at home, by yourself when I just heard the voice - heard the voice of someone else. Just this question: Why do you feel you gotta lie? Gettin' caught up in your game when you can not say my name.
"I'm 12 and what is this" -- children.
Agreed! No offense to being ironic and cynical and stuff, but I'm totally gonna see it.
TO BE FAIR, those men have really good bodies. I'm just being fair here.
I like all the shots of her wanting food. It really helps me understand her character. Fatty.
I bet I know how!
I got so turned on when he said "Your brother's wife."
i guess that's what it would be like to make out with a monkey. good to know.
God, how embarrassing. He actually uses the phrase "make love."