
Don't spill anything, you wouldn't want to ruin your $4,000 suit.
For me it's a tie between Prince Phillip and Robin Hood (he's foxy).
And Peanut Butter Crunch but it cuts up my mouth badly so I don't eat it.
Cinnamon Toast Crunch or Golden Grahams.
The cherry on the wedding cake (har har) is definitely their laughing, smiling faces plastered next to the headline "Sandusky's Victim Speaks Out." Way to go, cover making people! Barf.
I was genuinely disappointed when I found out the limited edition Krispy Kreme Halloween tshirts were sold out.
Up All Night: Is Reagan's brother the new Dawn Summers? Was he ever mentioned on the show before he showed up in the premiere? Is he the key sent to Reagan and Chris to protect the world from ending or just some plot device to get Chris back to work/introduced by the network looking for some other demographic?
* I have no reason to believe this did not happen, as it is exactly the kind of thing a tool like Rusty would do. The poor girl, I hope the union steps in.
Assuming this happened, where were the producers when this went down and why does this buffoon still have a job? Kristen Stewart is practically blacklisted for making out with a married guy but Russell Brand still has a job after sexually harassing a member of the crew on the fucking set? Grrrrrrr!!
It took me way too long to figure out OFA.BO/PDSp2T was a link and not some newfangled Twitter language.
I liked when he took his phone out of the microwave.
That would be Garyspur's place of residence, because they are two different people.
GARYSPUR: [does what this gentle, oblivious child did in the video did, and dedicates his even worse version to Althea Quinn and her boobs] ALTHEA: [calmly jumps into her invisible jet AND FLYS THE FUCK OUT OF IT OVER TO HOTSPURS PLACE OF RESIDENCE] [ding-dong (SHUT UP GARYSPUR EVEN IF YOU DON’T HAVE A DING-DONG I WILL DING-DONG THE SHIT OUT OF YOUR FAKE DOORBELL ANYWAY)] GARYSPUR: Hi! I’m ready for your boobs! ALTHEA: [flashes her boobs] SUCCESS, THE ENDI
Four for you, Thomas Lo Coco! You go Thomas Lo Coco!
The lamb and her Dalmummy are adorable. Bonus spotted rabbit (or cat?) at 1:09. Videos of kittens drinking from milk bottles have only recently been introduced into my life but I love each one I see. When they prop them up with their back feet squeeee.