
I like that "stop" is spelled backwards in the first shot of the bus. Good special effects, you guys.
As CopperCab would tell you, asking the Internet to stop picking on you NEVER fails. Kudos to the anchors, by the way, for doing their damnedest not to burst out laughing after coming back from that interview. (Wouldn't her phone stop working when she fell into the fountain? #missingthepointgum)
Funny story: my boss walks into my lab the other day and tells my (female) colleague, "Oh yeah, 'Dreamweaver' came on the radio this morning and I thought of you." (Admittedly, there's context, but it doesn't help much.)
He's even sorta doing that head-tilt thing Gabe does in all his pictures.
You won't be laughing when planet Nibiru comes into view in a couple of weeks and everyone's like, "That's no moon..."
No love for the Johnny Carson bit? May a plague of homeless yaks infest your sister's undergarments.
"I liked the original better." (opens envelope) "What was Napoleon's response to his second exile?"
An infinitely better look at the trials and tribulations facing America's teens/clones-of-famous-dead-guys-and-ladies.
"Is this real life?"
"Fuck him!" ...he certainly could use it. You'd be doing him a favor, really.
Really, though, I think we've officially moved on to the post-MySpace era.
"Wow! It looks like those boats are ACTUALLY being borne back ceaselessly into the past!"
Thank you bird. If this were closer to 2002 we could make metric tons of cryogenically-frozen head jokes but alas. Okay, moving on with my life now.
Hypothesis: 2011 is a disappointment because we're all waiting for the other Mayan shoe to drop next year. Almost 2012 tiiiime! "But dude, taking 2012 quasi-seriously is SO 2009." Uh-uh, fuck that noise. 2012 is a thing until 2013. And even then, maybe.
Please, someone -- ANYONE -- post a reply and tell me that when they see the words "Ted Williams" they also think "baseball player" first. I'm sorry, guy, I'm normally all about the latest retread of the Internet-meme-turned-rags-to-riches story, but that name is taken. Like that baseball player Evan Longoria: every time he gets mentioned, I think "Desperate Housewives".
"I've heard better." -Michael Caine
Wait, that IS my cover of Sweet Child o' Mine. How did THAT get online? you guys like my cowboy hat? #fridayislieday
"Tiger Woods, Michael Vick, Ted Haggard." (opens envelope) "Give three people for whom a bitch causes problems." #poortastegum