
Thank you! I've had to remove myself from all Reddit Breaking Bad conversation for this exact reason. Everyone on there takes the whole Heisenberg/Walt split as though he's schizophrenic or something. They always say that Walt is "turning into" Heisenberg, like they're two different people. It's not Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, it's, "Walt has let his selfishness and his power hungry nature take over, and now he's acting like a complete sociopathic ass." They take it to literally and say things like, "Walt is dead. He's Heisenberg now." I think that cheapens the the transformation he's had by looking at it as some kind of split personality disorder instead of what it really is. People keep saying that the transformation is unrealistic, but honestly, try to put yourself in his shoes. He was fighting for his life, and very very close to losing, and then he turns around and conquers his most dangerous and daunting enemy. That changes a person, and if you are already as clearly predisposed to having a giant ego as Walter is, it changes you into a monstrous shithead. But hey, follow your heart, right? Also, the gun is on a tripod behind a stack of money in this poster. HOW IMPORTANT IS THIS GUN?!?!
For the record I have a feeling that the cold open didn't actually take place on Walt's 52nd birthday, because what kind of dummy would seriously put their real birthday on their fake ID? I feel like it's probably meant to distract us and make us think it's going to be further in the series than it is, because the episode "51" thats coming up makes me think that it's gonna be birthday time for Walt soon. Given that this show took 4 seasons to get through only a years worth of events, I doubt we'll get ANOTHER years worth of events of the course of the next 15 episodes. Unless that scene is literally the second to last scene in all of Breaking Bad.
I almost peed when I saw this.
This video has just made me realize how many times I have mistakenly used the phrase, "This is the dumbest thing I've ever seen" before now.
In their defense, would waiting 6 years for them to stop looking for this girl been less of a nightmare if we knew exactly where she was the whole time?
Does anyone else find this shows theme song hilariously anti-climactic every single time? Always super dramatic music followed by cut to: people standing around a farm talking endlessly.
I Hope They Serve Cranberry Sauce in Hell
Being an Advertising student has taught me just how insanely in need of an update the Nielsen system is. Things like On Demand, Hulu, and DVR don't get taken into account. The families that are typically given Nielsen boxes or diaries (thats right, they STILL actually use 'diaries' which require you to WRITE down on archaic, analog paper what shows you watch) are a) middle-class families with young children and OLD PEOPLE. So that's why shows that are a hit with the young adults and teenagers are often overlooked. Not to mention that the sample rate of Nielsen households/actual households is insanely low, like I'm pretty sure there are only about 20,000 Nielsen households where as there are like 100,000,000 households with TVs in the US. Also, to whoever asked before, you can't ask for a Nielsen box. They choose you.
Storage Wars is great. You should watch all of it on Netflix right now!
"Whatchu talkin' bout," -
I don't mean to be "that guy" but I think Aphrx Twin is just as far away from Dubstep as you can get...
ugh. I'm always the worst at this ?????
Lars Von Trier presents Asteroid: The Movie
I like a handful of dubstep acts but only the ones that would make me look like a pretentious jerkstore if I actually listed them.
I didn't watch the video but is that one song by Dubstep that goes "WOOOOOMP WOMP WOMP WUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUB WOOOOOMP"?
"I met a woman tonight. We were really connecting, and I told her that to get in touch with me all she had to do was say my name three times. She said I should've just given her a fake number, and then she left with my brother"
That's what she said? Yeah, that's what she said.