
I have inappropriate dreams about Kristen Stewart. Not sure if I should classify them as 'dreams' or 'nightmares'...
I have a snaggle tooth! Growing up, my friends are always like, "You need to fix your face" and my mom offered to get me braces a million times, but I held out , like " Nuh-uh, look at Jewel! She's famous and she has a messed-up grill!" Then that b-word sold me out by getting that thing fixed, and now here I am, a 31-year old woman with a snaggle tooth because someone with the other half of that 'Friends don't let friends get braces' BFF necklace didn't keep her end of the bargain...
Michigan people! I am originally from Battle Creek (by Kzoo) , but now live in Maine and go down to Boston quite frequently :)
I'm really sad about Community. I loved the first three seasons so much and rewatch them on DVD often, and this week's episode didn't even hold my attention while it was airing. Everyone sounds like a caricature of themselves. Jeff's speeches are really forced and tacked-on, and they're giving him more weird egotistical moments (which we previously only saw in the Bar Mitzvah episode). Britta has devolved into a one-note stereotype of how we all feel about psych majors. Get rid of Chang already! He should have been gone forever after season three. How is it that the Dean is starting to feel like the most relatable character on this show??? Troy, Abed, Annie,'s like the writers picked out the most recognizable traits in each character (weird, dumb, naive, mom-ness) and are now focused on branding each character, which makes it feel less and less realistic that all these people would find each other and hang out FOR YEARS.
We are so on the same page about this show. I almost always love the Mindy-centered cold opens, which usually revolve around some hilarious observation being turned on its head (for example, Josh putting on Mindy's pants). However, the rest of the show is barf. It's like, between siphoning half The Office guest stars for her cast of friends/potential boyfriends and surrounding her pretty-decent main character with a smattering of totally annoying stereotypes (oh, the innocent office assistant in conservative sweaters! Oh, the weirdo Dwight Schrute/Gabe hybrid male nurse! Oh, Penelope from Gossip Girl with the worst accent this side of Ben Affleck!) we are all just waiting for her to bone Chris Messina, which is inevitable, and I like more of a challenge from my TV shows. Mindy, I love you (I know she's personally reading all of my thoughts on her show right now) and I want this show to succeed. But the formula--and the type characters that keep us engaged--just isn't there.
Girls, TRHOBH (editing has gotten really good in season three), ANTM cycle 19 b/c it is just really great every time Tyra Banks says "WHEN I WENT TO HARVARD...", Breaking Bad, Shahs of Sunset (becasue listening to people talk about how Persian they are is really interesting), Hubby says "Walking Dead!," and The Mindy Project, which isn't really that great, but I am just so happy for Mindy and I keep hoping that one day she will look at the internet and declare me her BFF forever.
I think that everyone is forgetting about BREAKING DAWN!!! (Please don't downvote me, I am just kidding)
I really, really, really like this idea! I found this site through recaps, and I would love to see more! :)
I'm with you, neverabadidea! Season 2 (if it happens...) will be better! Look at Season 1 of Buffy! Mindy can pull out of this tailspin!
I'm at work (boo). But I'm also catching up on videogum, so yay? Nah, it's just not the same unless I'm home covered in cats.! *exhales* so hard.
That Twilight baby doll still looks better than the horrible CGI one in the movie, amirite all you other Twilight fans here on videogum? Anybody? Bueller?
I am not a fan of any of the Star Trek shows--my hubs loves them, but I can't get past how ridiculously dated they look (those crazy wool jumpsuits in TNG??). However, he drug me to the Abrams movie when it came out and I LOVED IT! I am superpsyched for this new one, except I don't really understand what is happening in the trailer? Is this villain canon? Or something new entirely? Does it tie into the Romulan thing from the first movie? Halp!
I loved Snow Crash, and then slogged my way through Cyrptonomicon. I rememeber that I thought both were decent books worth a read, but then again, I was fresh out of high school and thought that plaid pants and a leopard trench coat looked good together. I kept Snow Crash but ended up selling Cryptonomicon on ebay. There is no way anyone would ever read a book that large twice.
Does no-one think Walter White is sexy? Come on! If for no other reason than the storage locker full of drug money!
Did anyone else who watches GG realize that Rufus Humphrey is Lt. Spears from 'Band of Brothers'? Like, the most stone-cold badass in that whole series, and now he's like, midlife crisis band dad on a CW show? Talk about a fall from grace. IT CANNOT BE UNKNOWN.
I LOVE Mindy! I am a little biased b/c I've been mildly obsessed with Mindy Kaling for a few years, but I really like the new show. There are *some* issues, but I won't nitpick here...suffice it to say that her posse of sidekick characters could largely be done without. More Mindy!!
wow. Gabe, i think you've proven that you have a definite second career in casting.
if they make out, i would NOT be surprised. but that's probably not outrageously gross enough for L.D.