
no, I'm sorry. Donkey Punch? Perfect.
omg, Ken Park. I needed a support group after that nightmare.
I dunno if it's the ugliest...the yellow was part of the stylization and I think it helped make the red camera look better, actually, especially when you compare it to the two scenes that are shot in normal kind of light, where everything's much too sharp and strange, and the editing, I dunno, I didn't see anything wrong with it. I really like this movie, and I don't mind his sense of humor, style and timing. But then again, I'd pick schizopolis over traffic any day, so maybe our tastes are not compatible.
timing, child. now brush off those knees and come in for dinner.
what was this man doing that he had to ask his kid, "get over here and clean my head. You know, like your mother does." and then the mother's like " !! Baby's first flowbee! Get it on youtube!" On a second note, are those silver bits spikes coming out of the flowbee? And if no, why then does she say "don't cut his ear off."
I wish I could upvote you so many times for that.
I don't know how you think that's a fair trade, but absolutely not. We're gonna need to throw in a few McG's (ok, just one will do) or Hugh Jackmans (at least three) to make that one worth it.
Yeah, it doesn't seem to be about just anything he says, it seems to be about the fact that he's bringing racism into it, and not in a polite or suitable for public tone, which frightens advertisers and people in general, and it's not OK because of the sincerity the guy has for everything. While he's incouraging a group- however small- of people who are afraid of Obama for all the wrong reasons ( tone...) and then you get into a situation like we're in now, with town halls and health care, and then you get him to say Obama's a racist and by being that, he doesn't care about you, Beck's's not about Beck's views, it's about being labeled as black fearing. at least, it really seems that way to me.
God knows I Love her, but have you heard Mrs. Streep sing? We can never go down that road again.
now that i more fully understand your point, I will say 'agreed,' and 'point well made,' but because I was born stubborn and without the knowledge of when to stop I'd like to tack this on to your final statement: there wasn't as much to enjoy, either.
i agree that actually turning a profit is a totally new thing to the internet as opposed to running ads like on TV. the point I wanted to get across has very little to do with monetary values. I don't think the processes, either creative or profit making are incomparable, some of the best minds on TV have made the leap into 'new media' with great succcess. I'm mostly thinking in terms of comedy, because drama isn't the best suited for short formats, but things like wainy days, horrible people, childrens' hospital...these are relatively new, and while they rip off the old media's format, some of them run self conciously as an internet show, and tha'ts only part of it. The internet is interactive beyond anything we've encountered, and print collides with a/v content in ways that create things faster than we can consume them, giving way to new models and new ideas-- new ways to create and distribute. To say that people only have these past models to look at isn't exactly true. Things are being built on the barely laid fonudations of their contempoaries. As twitter informs people's writing styles and vocabularies, we're seeing a different type of blogging and storytelling style, which in turn is prompting videographers and filmmakers to adapt the way they form narrative arcs-- the TV had only a few channels, you're right, cable wasn't around for a while, but the internet is so much more expanisve and steps forwards are less pronounced than they were in the past. Since monetary gain isn't figured out yet, we're not competing for it, we're working together subconciously to build and figure out this thing.
TV and 'old media' have never been better than they are now. But it took forty five years for that to happen--speaking only for TV, it took almost half a century for us to make something that is and was universally regarded as the golden age of television. (1999, as a whole, was a monumental year for both movies and media, regardless of how good a show is in your nostalgia riddled head, it sucks compared to a lot of what's on TV now) And although from this golden age of television we got the 'crap' of reality TV, there's still never been a better time to watch or make television. The internet's still a baby, and generally, people shouldn't beat up on the young. If TV were the same age as the internet, The Donna Reed show would be intorduced next year. So just give it some time. Things move a lot quicker now, but not yet at light speed, yeah?
yogurt cups happen to us all, son, but chin up. It's only monday.
(you're secretly living my night-dream-mare right now)
I dunno, the creepy obessive thing we obviously share with teen girls? It is a little sad, like we're lost here without him. Like Gabe's the only one who can escape.
!!! SIR! You look awfully familiar.
Confusing the Nature of Celebrity Obsession and Escapism with How to Make a Girl Fall in Love with You
yes, hugh jackman is a 'talented actressse' well noted, m'am.
I got really pumped this was going to be about Bad Lieutenant. That's OK, though. I can wait.
unfortunately, audience's who accept those comedies as universal skew young, and young women will never be hollywood's bread and butter. But until we decide we're actually fed up with it and stop showing up to those movies to prove what a demographic we honestly are, 'older' women and mothers become the only sought after female demographic. And ::obviously::, older women are unrelated and irrelvent to male interests, except in the fertile market of cougars. (shoots self in head.)
stick them in a tiny bag! baby gucci's a real thing! Right? Actually, I'm like, mostly percent positive it is. ::sigh::
he made some comment about how ugly he and others who know him think he is, and I wanted to be like, jon hamm. Meet me on a Monday morning. Then we'll see what ugly looks like.
I can't wait to see all the little girls and boys who bought the twilight jackets (now you can own your very own Bella's denim jacket with a hood! Buy it at Sears!) carrying these guys in their zip up chest pockets.
After seeing Witness, I've constantly asked the question "Who would you rather raise you: Harrison Ford or Jack Nicholson." (it made sense at the time.) The answer is always Harrison, much to my dismay.
Because that difference is incredibly important? Like, instead of being an asshole (teen choice) he could be a super asshole(kids choice)?
You don't think G-Force has the ability to define adolscence in a way that both mocks and understands you in ways you didn't realize fully grown adults who had survived the insanities of childhood and young adulthood could remember?
no, I think that was Blake Edwards' S.O.B. that did it.
No, a TV show about learning the spanish word for mountain is for children. A book and subsequent movie about learning there is always a place for you in this giant world with monsters and fear and terror and adventure, even though you're one little person, that's ageless and important.
it's a good thing you've got this soapbox on the internet so they will at least all see your words or help and wisdom before they e-buy their gadget on paypal.
There is no explaination for those. Only apologies, handed to us in writing. I wish that more advertisments were like those fantastic skittles ads where they really brought the creep and less like anything I feel these guys think is 'hip.'
what's the point of tucker max? I thought, maybe, once we elected Obama, the director would go "Shut it Down!" and Tucker Max would think, quietly, that in this world where better things could happen there was no need for the lowest common stereotype available for frat boys who like to be sexist racist assholes, and he would say "Dear world, I am sorry." but maybe I didn't want it hard enough.
well, somebody's gotta teach the children how to smoke and drink and have sex with people who aren't your wives.
no, they've gone outside to hang themselves because this has given them the wrong and terrifying idea of adult sexual practices and they decided better to peter pan it than ever, EVER, get close to that, again.
hard candies. and new spectacles.
I wish that you knew the little voice I use for when you write things that end in exclamation marks. Like a little kid with a lollipop, jumping out of his stroller even though he's a little old to be pushed around, and he's pointing with one hand and his voice is just a little too high because, you know--hasn't reached puberty-- and then he trips and looks up at his mother, but he's not ready to cry because the excitment is still too much for him. So when you say "get off my wife!" the image is perfect.