
Whoever GABE is, he needs to remember that Patti was once a member of your exclusive monster ball... 'The penis does the picking' JK guys, she is the worst.
Saturday Night's Alright With The Fact You Won't Be Watching This Weekend
True story: I wore those Crest white strips overnight once( before they made the overnight kind)cause they were kind of pricey and I wanted to get my money's worth. I woke up the next morning and it was GONE. Not on my bed, no where to be found. I'm pretty sure I swallowed it and I felt really awful for weeks.
I don't see it as a series, maybe a movie
WHAT! No way, what about Wade and Sheldon?
UGHHHH these things are never a good idea!! I bet they end up happily ever after or at some convenient time that doesn't show the aftermath of weird awfulness that is being in a FWB situation. I need to find a real FWB, like someone with a decent dental plan.
Ha! Knew it! Thank you for answering my burning question and giving me something to read for the next half hour of work.
So, did Ben Affleck get new teeth? Or was he wearing prosthetic ones for Good Will Hunting? Cause he had those, real little chicklett juice-rotted teeth and now he's handsome!
Worked for me!
Yeah I liked Jen a lot, and I think it's obvious that she hold some serious power in the kitchen. But they interviewed Carla on Andy Cohen's show, and she said that there's definitely a 'girls club/boys club' going on
For real though, Top Chef has a serious lady problem. I don't know why they can't seem to find really great women competitors that are on par with the men.
So, I didn't know what Spätzle was, YIKES!
I didn't know Ms. Teen South Carolina's dad was a journalist... I believe that our, uh, education like such as in South Africa and, uh, the Iraq, everywhere like such as, and, I believe that they should, our education over HERE in the U.S. should help the U.S., uh, or, uh, should help South Africa and should help the Iraq and the Asian countries, so we will be able to build up our future, for our children.
Let's get this pee party started!!!
Yeah, the sentence was weak, sure. But he served the term legally bestowed upon him, so I'd call that 'serving his time', there's nothing much we can do about that. And I'm a dog lover too, and rescue dogs are a big part of my life. But I don't really see what that has to do with being good at football. They're not putting him on the cover of Great Role Model for Kids magazine, it's a football video game. And if you did know anything about football you would know that every 14 players that have appeared on the cover of Madden video games have suffered a terrible season afterwords or have been seriously injured. So I hope that gives you some solace.
Ok, truly biased as an Eagles fan, but you can't lump Vick in here either. He served his time, seems sincere in his apologies, and has tried to do better. Chris Brown has done none of these things. He said "it's not a big deal to me right now", not "I'm sorry" which is the ONLY acceptable thing you should say. People do fucked up things, I think that forgiveness is important and redemption is possible. I think that fame does give people a false sense of reality, and my biggest issue is about Chris' lack of humility and regret.
Ok Gabe, obviously no one is going to disagree with your points about Chris Brown being a total complete fucking asshole and GMA for basically sucking his (HUGE HOLY SHIT HAVE YOU SEEN IT?) dick. Now, I don't see a problem with him coming back on GMA, because ultimately all media outlets are looking for ratings/page views etc. Unfortunately, that's their job, to make money. Right now even you know talking about Chris Brown will get you more comments/ page views than Libya, where real problems are currently occurring. If you saw the GMA interview, Robin Roberts got straight to the violence questions, she didn't give a shit about his stupid album, and kept coming back to the Rihanna incident. So I'd like to think that they're capable of holding another interview with that in mind. Yes, all of this is seriously fucked up, but I think for the most part, it's not really GMA's fault.
She said "you know I don't be datin' rappers" I said I got my SAG card, baby I'm an actor. For real though, for someone who's job it is to articulate words, 50 sure is a mumbler.
He's got nothing on Carol... "Maybe you just wanna fly the plane yourself. Well good luck pressing take off, then auto pilot, then land."