
Spoiler Alert: I know the guy who made this and it's not fake. Hmmm... maybe the people who's film it is should make a video about HIS video, critique his narrative and ponder who HE is. I would love to see an endless circle of videos pondering who made the previous video.
The second best thing to Letterman and Regis is Letterman and Charles Grodin. I'm an old-man-pairings connoisseur.
I am also from Cleveland... I don't know... I can't believe how many times I actually said, "If you're awesome, you're allowed to tattoo 'CHOSEN ONE' across your back and it's not douchey!" Ugh... June 2010 me sucked... It's like if you were a zombie but had to wake up from being a zombie after eating human beings live... like, oh shit! Why did I do all those gross things?! Did anybody else do those things? No? Only zombies did those gross things...? Ugh... June 2010 me sucked!
The A and the I on her book look like devil horns. hmmmm... Can we get Kirk Cameron in here? Or Cindy Jacobs? They're better at reading these signs than I am.
The thing is... this guy can't plead insanity in a court of law. He knew what he was doing. The climate contributed slightly to his paranoia and sick mind... but he's not insane. He's a monster. I think Sarah Palin could plead insanity in a court of law, though, if ever necessary. All she would have to do is prove that she never had a clue what was going on or any self awareness whatsoever. I think her Vimeo page is building her defense for her! And her Facebooks! And her serious-patriotist-political-business-you-wouldn't-understand-folksy Tweets! Go Sarah!
Fun Fact: In a "conspiracy in film" class I took in college (it was my last semester... I needed a credit... it was totally cool and legit), we learned that the NRA funded the 1984 version of this film. Which is why there is so much anti-gun-regulation messaging in it. Like the fact that the list of registered gun owners is found by the Russians, making it easy for them to put the owners in a prison camp... and the fact that the army can't help forcing citizens (children) with guns to save the day. yay! Anyways... I bet Sarah Palin is sponsoring this one. Or my uncle...
I'm not a black and white style decision maker - so for me, the 12 year old's argument didn't really do much, haha. LIke... someone could convince me that killing your husband is okay. LIke... JLo totally had me convinced in Enough :) I'm not sure I believe life exists if it can't think or feel. Unplug me if I'm a vegetable, is what I say. If I had been aborted early enough, science shows that I would not have given it a second thought. My gray area begins with abortions that occur late in the pregnancy. I always find the abortion argument really interesting because I don't really understand why people are so quick to make it a black and white issue when to me it's very gray... I can't see where this issue ends and all those other issues I tossed out begin. And to me, all those other issues are more relevant to saving lives and the more time we spend deciding when the exact moment is that life begins (some people could argue the pill kills babies), the less time we have to protect the rest of it. Sometimes a stem cell brings us closer to curing AIDS and saving millions of lives... sorry! It's give and take and controlling our own destiny is sorta what humans do better than any other animal on this planet. It's sorta our thing. Sometimes cutting down a forest creates warmth and shelter... sometimes it contributes to holes in the ozone. It's a balance and it's our survival depends on finding that balance. I'm waiting for the day when somebody finally sways me one way on abortion. I genuinely do wonder why people who are pro-life so often support the death penalty and are against government programs (kudos to you for not falling into this category)... cause if being pro-life is such an important issue to you that you will vote for a party that supports killing people who would otherwise sit quietly in jail, away from society... and you don't want your tax dollars going to very conscious, very aware human beings who's lives are in danger if they can't get medical care or whatever... I don't know... I don't know why a collection of cells became a more explosive issue than those things. Is it because we hate our peers and fellow man that much that we want them to suffer and freeze to death on the streets because they've "made their choices?" Anyway, my mom is very catholic, very pro-life, very anti-death penalty, had a baby when she was 19 and struggled on welfare for years. She sees this as a black and white issue for sure. I wish I did, too.... I just really need someone to finally convince me. Just thought it was interesting that you came on to this comment board, guns blazin' and I'm glad to hear you have found a black and white area that suits you... that you are pro-life in every respect. I see your points and understand where you are coming from. I'm too full of questions to ever really feel the same certainty. Maybe you've got an argument up your sleeve, though. this was a long post... but whatever... we're probably the only people still reading these comments! And it's been nice not thinking about work..
Is it life? Or for weeks is it a collection of a woman's cells that can't feel pain or think? What about overpopulation? In a lot of science fiction novels - which are always full of totally correct and accurate predictions about the future (although, still waiting on the hoverboard, Doc!) - accidental pregnancies after the first couple kids HAVE to be terminated by law to preserve life on earth. Like - Whoa! Deep! Where do you stand on the death penalty? Where do you stand on eating meat? Where do you stand on cutting down a tree? Turning a blind eye to an oil spill or global warming to preserve your own way of life? Think the government should step in and outlaw eating meat, cutting down trees, drilling for oil and coal burning plants? Cause talk about destroying lives and potential for life... Just curious. Abortion's deep, complicated shit, is what I mean to say. I think I had a point and then I realized I need to get real work done today.
Agreed. I work at rockefeller... and those dudes' costumes get pretty disgusting in the winter. Everyday I walk out of work and catch another child in the arms of what essentially looks like Meth Head Spongebob. There should be a free clinic where the ice rink is for all the tourists who get too close before noticing the bird crap and grime stuck to Elmos face. Russell Brand should probably soak his hand in Lysol.
I'm so late on this because I'm watching Glee for the first time on summer reruns (and of course I can't watch a TV show without Videogum recaps! duh!)... but if anybody reads this... that picture was taken in San Francisco, right? I have seen that person.... I have seen that unidread. I have seen it in real life.
I'm here too! Working... tomorrow I'll be in front of Cafe Diem (by Syfy)! Be sure to come out for the Mega Piranha panel tomorrow night... Tiffany will be there with some exclusive Sharktapus swag.... ooof... I need a break.
I, too, am a Cleveland monster, and man... what a coward that guy turned out to be! Right? To go rely on Dwyane Wade to win a championship for him while simultaniously, and arrogantly, bitch slapping Cleveland in the most public setting he could muster? Sorry Delante slept with your mom, Lebron... but mommy deserves love, too, kiddo. man up.
awe... to my knowledge, this is my first downvote. All because I accidentally posted a reply to someone else's comment as a new comment and then realized my mistake and corrected myself. You're right, downvoter, you deserve better.
meant this as a reply to the first comment regarding: "R.I.P. Rue McClanahan. You will be missed. You’re in heaven now, having an active, boisterous, and unapologetic sex-life with the angels.”
I know someone who was seated at a wedding reception next to Rue McClanahan a few years ago and said she was Blanche plus whiskey. So, I think that sentence suits her in real life, too! She will be missed.
I was having trouble relating until you got to the fries. Looks like fries are the universal language. High fryve!
I didn't watch Lost... but my coworker always described each episode thoroughly enough that I felt like I did. So I watched some of the finale last night and have to admit... my first thought was that they were trying to make Jack Jesus-y. He got stabbed under his ribcage, then died for everyone else' sake, he passes on his rule by making a devoted desciple drink a liquid... he has a dad... uh... I don't know, that's really all I have since I watched only 20 minutes of the whole series. I'm just saying; I could see how someone who doesn't follow Lost and only sorta follows religion would see that!
Let's start encouraging these guys to secede from the union. I think we should all stand between them at rallies and shout, "I think we should secede!" You know... sorta mock their voices out of the corner of our mouths until they catch on and start saying it on their own. I think it could work. Then we could kinda pretend to fight them but really just back them into a part of the country we don't like anyways. Like... I dunno... central Alabama (it's debatable... I know... we'll figure it out. I'm from Cleveland so who am I to judge someone's roots. We'll have a reasonable debate as a team to pick the spot). I'm just saying will pick a place and give it to them! They already have a little flag... I don't think they'd object to the rebel flag, right? We can give them all a little rebel flag to hold. And then they can sit on their lawn chairs with rifles waiting for us to come try to take their right to harass people with cancer away... but we'll never show. They'll just sit there, self satisfied, in their new land of freedom and leave us alone forever! Probably for the best that I'll never be president.
Directed by Liam Gallagher? If you're out there, don't do it Topher! That 60's Nightmare, will be more like it!
Careful where you post this! A couple years ago I used this exact picture, did a similar photoshop job and put it on my blog. This morning I woke up to an anonymous comment that said "DAMNIT that aint funny what yall done with the golden girls you f***s can go to hell" ...and then I was over Betty White mania. And I wished Google searches involving her didn't lead to my blog. And I wished the internet would disappear. And I wished for mean blog comments to cause me to go blind... cause that'd show 'em... then they'd see... they'd regret it and never forgive themselves!
Well, I liked it! I must be in the minority of monsters who likes alien/superhero/Armageddon movies to be full of puns and cheesy action. "Welcome to Earth!" right, Will Smith?! Except Spiderman 3. Not cool, Sam Raimi. In summary, I guess it's a fine line between cheesy and pukey. The more you know!
my favorite part is when she clears her throat!
I've waited a few weeks to say this... cause I just wanted to make sure before I went runnin' my mouth (keyboard)... but is 30 Rock falling flat for anyone else this season? Especially Tracy... his lines seem so lame all the sudden... like the guy at work who tries too hard to make being "the funny guy" his thing and then when you don't laugh he decides that trying too hard is ALSO his thing in addition to being "the funny guy." He wins either way. Ugh. It's like nobody is going back through the script to "punch things up." Sad.
awe, I know. If only Dlisted's monsters were as clever/slutty/shameless/sassy as Michael K himself. I don't add much to the comments here... but I always read them! "Oh shoot... Gabe's post is over and I still want to procrastinate doing real work... sad... guess I'll just go back and click on the homepage ico... what's this? Comments as funny as the post itself? Sorry, boss, looks like I'll be working overtime tonight!" - me adjusting to Videogum after 4 years with my first love, Dlisted
ummm... I wish I could upvote this more. I'm sorry.
I'm going to miss these guys. One of the best bands of the last 20 years, no doubt.
Just after this photo was taken, Betty White let mayonnaise dribble down her chin and then posed with Jay Leno - completing her "You Wouldn't Sarcastically Caption or Photoshop Penises On a Sweet Old Lady Like Me, Now Would You? What Would Your Mother Have to Say About That?" Tour.
as they set things up at the beginning of the episode, I'm always worried that they are about to hit the "trying too hard" realm, as well! ...but man, when Britta was actually getting the switch I was surprised to find myself laughing. "She's had enough... she's had enough!" truth in comedy...
I can't speak for everyone, but for me it's just about being happy for him. I really like TV and for a few seasons, he starred in a decent show that contributed to the quality of TV. Now, I like an underdog story - which is kind of what it's like to go from TV success to movie success. So when he tried to make the switch, I was rooting for him. However, shortly after Topher's venture into movies began, I forgot about him.. oops... and felt a little awkward when I ran into him in Spiderman 3. Now, that doesn't mean I'm not still rooting for him! It just means he's like my best friend from high school who now lives in Vegas and posts of lot of pictures of herself on facebook in hardly any clothes, hanging on, what appear to be, huge douchebags (I believe the popular term these days is Guidos or Juiceheads?): I'm still rooting for her, we just don't have much in common these days or enough interest to find out about each other's lives outside of a safely organized internet setting. I feel a strange nostalgia mixed with pride mixed with "eh" when I look at her status updates and HWUWTG. Videogum stalking! It's just nice to see that Toph is happy.