
I'm no entomologist, but I think that I can say with absolute scientific certainty that ladybugs are the highest predator of the bug world and are effectively tiny polka-dotted dragons.
Hey, but within the vacuum of fundamental universal purpose. There is a limitless canvas of opportunity to create and apply your own purposes and to fill your life up with nearly infinite wonder and meaning. In not only infinite quantity or quality but also nigh infinite variation. So, that's pretty cool, right? Pretty cool.
I don't mind bugs or spiders. Usually I will just capture a spider and release it back into the wild in a field that seems to have too many mosquitoes for my liking. I don't know if spiders prey on mosquitoes but at the very least they will make them very uncomfortable when the field's walls are breathing with spider babies.
That is my local ABC news reporter Gustavo Almodovar. What is my Gustavo Almodovar doing on non-local internets?
I would like to nominate: Joan Holloway - President Annie Edison - Vice President badideajeans - Scretary of State Coach Taylor - Secretary of Defense Leslie Knope - Secretary of the Interior Nucky Thompson - Secretary of the Treasury
Daria really should have been eternal. Like The Simpsons are. How do teenage girls even cope with Daria-less existence?
Ben can't be 1st Gentleman and VP. (also Leslie's last name will be Wyatt by the time she is ready to seriously consider presidential candidacy) I'm just going to leave this here... Wyatt/Ludgate
The best television show to ever air is a threeway tie between Buffy the vampire Slayer, Gilmore Girls, and Veronica Mars. Everyone knows that.
Three hairless aliens connected by one long strip of bacon. (you won't convince me otherwise)
I blame the straights for pretty much everything that is wrong with society.
I have it on good Irish authority (whiskey) that 1 upvote = 1 four leaf clover. So I am going to give you all of the luck I can!! Good luck!! Have fun!!!!!!!!
Please choose Carrot Top.
He IS, isn't he? I knew it.
Angelina's head is three sizes too small for her body. And her face is still exactly the same. This one is just lazy and bad.
I was think about doing a series of digital paintings of stick figures with celebrity dicks drawn on their faces. So I am glad we are kind of in the same place creatively right now. I am positive the Phallicist movement will be very influential culturally.
I wish I had something witty or valuable to add. But I just wanted to say that I think that Gabe has exactly the correct take on this and made really good points. The only thing uglifying pretty people accomplishes is in some way brings attention to the fact that 1.) they are so pretty that you need photoshop to make them not be sooooo much better than you, and 2.) that the artist thinks that normal people are fat and poor dressers (and that by extension since he puts some effort into his appearance he is practically a celebrity (ooooo so much social status he has!)(let's all be pretty like him and celebrities))
I am also very concerned that Romney might win. I'm pretty sure he won Florida which helps him win more than I'd like it to.
Reading this I think I finally understand what it must be like to be a woman looking at Benedict Cumberbatch holding a baby...
This is what I am talking about. There will never be a single day without horrible banal Star Wars news for the next 15 years. I hate you Star Chores!!!!