
needs more gold pants and cheetah print shirts oh wait
"Community College: Basically: The Movie: Yes, it is often Kind of Sad a Sad Place!: The Movie: Electric Boogaloo"
that is probably on the high end of my very wide definition of whatever
this series of comments is perfect
we need a cultural revolution I vote gregorian chants
I love Tom Hanks and he can do whatever he wants forever.
if his insanity leads to a public resurgence in his character, and an eventual low budget spin-off starring his character from the National Lampoon movies some computer somewhere would probably shoot off a bunch of nuclear missiles, due to not being able to process the logic loop Bam! Y2Quaid
Randy Quaid staring in a mirror at night, looking exhausted, as if resisting inevitable defeat with the last of his energy: "You'll never catch me"
potential headline in realized paranoia land: "video killed the national lampoon's vacation star" okay that is a bit rough
Randy Quaid and the Randy Quaid Experience brings you: "the Randy Quaid experience" Randy Quaiding near you
"love is complicated" "you don't have to do this!" "love is complicated"
That is some surprisingly dystopian sounding background music.
watching this video made me realize how totally desensitized I am by the internet first thought was, "hey, this song is kind of catchy"
the lyrics of the song are like a device to help her memorize the lyrics of the song maybe this is only like, the first line in an really great spoken word poem that she needs to memorize.
way ho! the girl wanted one thing and one thing only guys least we could do
oh cool grammar me I think I need to go lie down