
Oh, that was meant to be a reply to Waldorf Hysteria or whatever their name was. I forgot to tick the reply box. ARG
So basically your point is that while nothing you have said may have any validity whatsoever, you just plain don't like people who post on Videogums and their silly indie rock music. Thank you for your thoughts, Mrs. Palin. Tell Jay Fucko we said hi.
You betcha.
It's a choice they're making. They're apparently saving their own lives.
Between this and my homophobic boyfriend getting booed at ConservativeCon, the Christians are really bumming my stone today.
This is a scene from my own personal SAW sequel.
I hope someone slaps him with a big bag of dicks.
Oh, I will still upvote you, because hi!
Why is that Paul Frank monkey singing off key to the Mary Tyler Moore theme?
Gallagher is NSF(_).
Oh, and Prince is SO going to sue her over that symbol tattoo.
Would this be NSFW if I worked for Gallagher? Would working for Gallagher be NSFW for me?
Did The Beatles ever do a song called "You're a Disgusting Bitchass Soulless Treasure Troll of an Assbag Fuck You You're Horrible I Hate You"? Because that would work too.
What stale hell is this, Do I *really* have to sit through a lame commercial in order to have the luxury of...WATCHING A LAME COMMERCIAL?!?!!? Oh, fuck you NBC and your fuckety fuck Jay Fucko shitshow.
I want to take him to Waffle House.
Imma be doing a shitty job at posting images, is what Imma be.
Tracy Morgan is the grand marshall in the Crazy Pride parade in my head.
Please, God. No more B.Coop. There's B.Coop coming out of my pores. I can't even breathe without the threat of accidentally inhaling tiny flying B.Coops. MAKE IT STOP