
Once again, everyone showed up empty-handed to the annual Skinny White Girls Potluck Picnic.
I don't know what you're talking about, Tom Waits always appears after I have sex.
"Not once, not never."
In semi-related news, I was channel surfing (people still call it that, right?) last night and happened to notice the adorable Jenny Slate on the terrible Fox sitcom, "Brothers". She was great! The show? Not so much. Or, not at all.
Swap out "Shine Blockas" and "Zero" with DOOM's "Gazillion Ear" and Wild Beasts' "All The Kings Men" and you have my top ten.
Awww, the Disco & Dragons episode! I thin I'll just watch Freaks and Geeks tonight and have my own solo Pizza Pity Party.
Ugh. Why does California have to be so far from New York? Hopefully when this state breaks off in 2012 we'll float around the world and end up right next to NY. Then we'll be neighbors! (This is a perfectly scientifically plausible future occurrence. Trust me. Whale biologist.)
Happy Thanksgiving, Gabe! I'm going to drink too much, eat three whole pumpkin pies and generally live it up. Enjoy yourselves, Monsters!
I've been so busy having fun at dinner and jumping into life these past two weeks that I haven't been keeping up with this place at all. It's insane how out of the loop you feel when you miss a few posts. Already you monsters have strange new inside jokes that scare and confuse me. is no fun. I guess I need to build a time machine and KILL HITLER and catch up on some reading. Oh, and I'm not sure if anyone else has posted a link to this, but watch it and thank me later.
That's me to the left, because I have no imagination.
The Daily What called Gabe the funniest man alive today. Truth to power.
I hope you ride this comment on a wave of upvotes all the way to the Ball.
I think the main problem is that most people who've seen this movie, including myself, are already on board with the idea of violence in film being far too ubiquitous and end up feeling gaining nothing from the experience, while the kind of person who actually needs to see this film would probably just skip it and watch Saw 64 instead.
This post is my sadness-shield.
It's okay, the break in your comments added suspense.
Sherlock Holmes: Jude Law Looks Like a Jackass.