
There seemed to be a lot of music sketches, which came across as odd.
This guy right here looks ready to rest his case.
"No MRE's on the Craft table? We're done here!" -Phil Strub
Guys, don't freak out... but I think Vader is in the bottom right hand corner... Conspiracy? I think so.
" Phil Strub, the Defense Department’s Hollywood liaison, tells Danger Room. “To whom did S.H.I.E.L.D. answer? Did we work for S.H.I.E.L.D.? We hit that roadblock and decided we couldn’t do anything” with the film." .... Dude, it's a fucking comic book movie.
***SPOILER ALERT**** Joffrey disarmed Dumbledore and Harry disarmed Joffrey so technically Harry is the master of Winterfell.
Don't make him tweet.... You wouldn't like it when he tweets.
Loved it front to back. Wish that there were more cameos.
This explains why her character seems to know that guys like to "c_m on her t___s" but doesn't seem to understand that guys don't like to be badgered in a monotone voice during sex.
I hope that at some point Michael Cera guest "stars" on Girls and has a sex scene with Lena Dunham. Even if it had close ups of nude genitals I'm fairly certain I wouldn't be able to tell the two apart. It would be a bland mess of androgyny with a lot of ambiguous moaning; someone sticking something somewhere topped with a lot of humble mumbly mouth questioning.
Ho.... Lee... F&$*.... You're totally right.
"Kids, eat your vegetables!" -Edward Rooney
Penny and Brain show up and start farting on the attacker.
I got pretty scared they were going to show the child biting off the cucumber. They did not; and for that I am thankful.
Marriage advice from George Constanza's parents? I think not.
He should play himself on VEEP
he's gonna need to quit looking at me all smug like that.
These children need taught not to remove props from museum exhibit. Someone is going to be missing their DMT scrapbook.
I would have thanked her for getting a menu for Harvey.
I'm very tempted here to talk about how I was a big part of that PBS production and how me and the Blessed Virgin Marry were really tight until she was stung by killer bees... but I won't... I've learned my lesson....