I love you dumb dummies. Have a cool summer
Wow, I REALLY thought it was going to end with an inadvertent FacebookConnect login
Me too. Pay it forward, you guys.
"It’s probably not even everything." - my tombstone
Not ideal, and it's probably not even everything, but the nice people at who archive things without anyone even asking them to will have some of this via the wayback machine:*/
I was already in heaven because of this and now I'm in DOUBLE HEAVEN????
TRUE STORY: I got a new computer since I made the tattoo picture and when I opened it up on the new computer it said "COULD NOT FIND FONT DARK_CRYSTAL.TTF"
this made me laugh and laugh
Wait, Jay Leno is going away too? ARE ALL THE HEROES DEAD?
This is like when Chris Eigeman gets on the train in Metropolitan
Oh wait I just realized that means that I can photoshop Bananashirt Kelly anywhere I want to, too.
If I may second that, it's updated in fits and starts, but the MOBFD site has a lot of still-worth-reading Monster content including Bookgum, recaps and reviews, and the tantalizing "Uncategorized" category.
My friend Tracey told me one time she woke up in the middle of the night and she staggered into the bathroom and she flipped on the light switch and coming from the corner came a voice going PEEEEEK-A-BOOOOOOO. (it turned out to be her kid's Peek-a-boo Big Bird doll which has light sensitive eyes so you can play peek-a-boo with it but can you IMAGINE?)
This is better than the time I made a joke about R5D4 on Twitter on got retweeted buy R5D4