
those long long beats! Have to say, I loved them. They weren't just counting to ten till their next line - Gosling & Mulligan were eating each other up *in their minds* during those beats. That's where they got all fond. Or is that when *I* ate *them* all up in my mind? om nom nom. Anyway, those beats were The Best. ANd necessary set up as Gabe says for the cafe scene where he gets all immediate and fierce.
says here, by the same guy who made Tron's title sequence happen. EXPLAINS NOTHING
Aaaaaugh! My eyes!!!
I know I'm on the west coast and there is no Irene or even earthquake here, and that it is a work day and I have very important work to do, but you guys I forgot to watch the entire 2nd season of Party Down and look there it is on instant so can I play disaster shut-in with you?
Rly? Cookie monster/Tom Waits ones? Me want see!!
Kelly speaks the Truth: this is very right and good and correct and how *is* it that it didn't exist already? Thanks for filling in a reality gap, Internets!
Plus! Can't two guys just be friends? Sometimes people are just good friends with each other!
Hey Chesty, I live there still! I had one of these Sake Bombs. They are offered up for freesies some Friday evenings!
I watched it with my boss. [coff coff]
If Helena Bonham-Carter is cast as Nora, I may barf. But srsly, Curtis Jackson aside, who'd be great?
Ugh! Fort building is over! #portlandiarefernces
I enjoyed reading your comment and hearing it in the voice of your avatar. Tee hee!
I just logged in to say this is awesome and absolutely Correct. That is all. And also the Best.
Best part: When Louis looks right at Jay Leno and says "I think you should do your job." I see what you did there, CK!
sad times: I ate a bag yesterday, then realized I'd just had 120% of my saturated fat for the day. But they *are* very jamesfranco.gif. It's cornmeal, salt, and coconut oil, basically. (I'm sure the choco peanut butter ones are waay better for us.)
Ay me, so hard to choose!
I'm from SC, too--Santa Cruz. We get the same problem out here: our wider-world news image is of being a colorful town of pot-addled crazies. Which, okay, touche'.
How do I upvote Soft Gabe on this thing...?!
Hi I'm new in the commenting sense, longtime fan in the comment-reading and also blog reading sense, hi you guys. I just wanted to say that Conan's beard, on his face o' conflicting emotions, is TBS Very Sexy.