
I don't know. I'd say they are more "special" than "effects."
That was totally supposed to go after Max's reply to me. #badatinternets
Well put! Horray for us, CONVERSATION!!
Hey that fat guy in the back right (who looks scarily like me) stole my dance moves! there a chance that I blacked out and filmed this video somehow? This would be, by far, the best result yet of me getting ruffied.
true, though maybe for that guys family, its good. they get to mourn in private away from the twitter-verse. that would certainly be my preference. but I'd also tell my kids not to go hanging around with those jackass boys. if I had them.
Well here's where my analogy falls short though -- with Twitter, you get to determine who you follow/hear. You don't get to curate your own gallery and say only good art goes here. But you can surround your twitter self with good twitter people and increase the % of quality information/opinions/jokes/whatever. Also I don't think bad art cheapens art, with a capital A, but this is a different discussion altogether.
I lost 2 friends in a dui accident when I was in high school and I was/am equally mad at both of them. One for driving while drunk and the other for being drunk/stupid enough to get into a car with him. It unfortunately takes two to tango/make really poor life decisions that affect everyone around you.
and I totally don't mean *you* facetaco. i mean a general you, and Kesha.
Yeah but it HAS been used well. (maybe communism has been to in like some tiny hippie compound, but they probably got all greedy and hoarded hemp pants, take that hippies!) If we were to keep Ke$ha and Lebron James and me and you from having accounts, and just gave them to govt/news folks or whatever, we would theoretically have a different and more favorable opinion of the medium. What I'm trying to say is a bad use of the medium is not a damning of the medium but the user. Bad paintings don't mean art is useless. "You're just doing it wrong" -- Gabe or someone.
I understand that Facetaco, but if comedy is never the intent, 140 characters can still be enough to communicate something with consequences. It's not like Twitter has no track record historically of being integral to the news cycle. What would 9/11 coverage have been like with Twitter? Sure a lot more misinformation from joe-schmoe, but maybe a lot more insight from CNN/Whoever. Or the revolution even? RT@paulrevere @BRITISH Don't try to take away our guns or liberty. Ringing them bells.AMERICA!
there should be a "we" in that first sentence..sorry.
Sort of off topic, but why do (blogs especially) spend so much time writing off Twitter? "2. THIS IS ALL HAPPENING ON F---- TWITTER." I mean, I'm not Mr. or Mrs. Twitter, or whatever, but like it or not it IS a viable and valid medium of communication. I know, people use it to say " hey I just farted" or "he come to the Gallagher show, lol" but people also use the internet to sell shoe covers that make your feet look like sheep -- that doesn't make the interwebs any less valuable. Will twitter last forever? Probably not and it might never be as important as it is now (how important that is is certainly debatable) but it HAS served to break REALLY large sports, political, financial news stories and is, with the help of blogs and other digital media, helping to murder printed journalism. We teach it/use it in university level classes -- it's hit the big time. It has sunglasses and several imported beers in its fridge. I don't think something inherently lacks "power and legitimacy" just because it is created and distributed in this medium. tl:dr...sorry.
Chance that I overly laugh out of sentimentality and end up kinda crying a little during this movie: One Zillion Percent.
Yeah, I think my feelings are closer to what you've said fargum. "I'm a comedian, as a comedian..." But I think we can give (sometimes) the benefit of the doubt to folks who don't preface everything with "obviously I don't mean to speak for this entire group of people", though in THIS instance, CK destroys that with his later tweet that anyone "rational" would see it his way. Free exchange of ideas!!
thats such a scary good Maron impression that I want to send you a bag of skittles.
Here's my conflict. We are asking people to own up to their opinions and admit that what they say DOES matter because they've "earned their cultural capital" (to paraphrase one of our super eloquent monsters!) but we also still want to feel like "unless you are categorically similar to offense-ee X, we don't care." I think as a comedian, CKs voice is a valid contribution to this issue, I don't know, maybe he feels his craft is under the microscope, or whatever. But as a policy maker/ social issue astronaut, whatever, maybe not? I dont know. And I don't know if I feel that either side is more valid than the other, but they do seem to be conflicting. It's either "Damn it Louis CK/Jon Stewart, stant up and OWN IT!" or it's "Shut up we don't care what a comedian thinks because hes white/not a politicial/hetero/etc." So..... sorry?
"We got a 1033 in progress." "Ohhh I LOVE shrimp."
or Sideshow Bob. I would definitely watch a Sideshow Bob spinoff. Sideshow Boss?