
Wait. Isn't that Theo from Road Rules or Real World or Road Rules/Real Word challenge? Is he a "comedian"?
Seriously, who chose the music? I guess I've never thought about the type of music that should be played to set the mood for torture. Maybe this was a good choice?
For some unexplainable reason I was watching this last night and as soon as Al Roker said "name something that is slippery and hard to hold on to", I knew things were going to end badly.
This reminds me of an episode of Rescue 911 that I saw as a child where this kid's clothes got stuck in an escalator and started strangling him because he was f-ing around or something. I don't know how exactly, but this looks like it could end up just like that.
The tagline is the best.
This truly has to be one of the worst movies ever. I felt like I was constantly being punched in the face with the color blue (whenever there was a scene with Aubrey there was a lot of blue stuff and whenever it involved Dakota there was a lot of red stuff? I think? Whatever, it was terrible and retarded). My favorite line was when Aubrey's boyfriend was feeling her up in science class and she was like, "Is that all I am to you? Something to help you relax before the big game?". Worst movie ever.
Wow, Brendan Fraser "Really. Hates. Mummies." WTF with the dragon at the end? Is it a mummy dragon?
I kind of got the feeling Sming was trying to pretend he was dead so the scary ladies would just leave his lifeless body alone. Also, hedgehogs are the adorablest (new word?)
This upsets me because I am sitting in my cubicle jail right now and am not a vlogging millionaire rapper (that's what he does, right? Just kidding, I'm really street just like blogs are now). He is super crazy. "number one spoon clown in the bubble gum fortress". I LOLd (and I do not use that term lightly).
I've watched the National Geographic Channel prison shows and the female prisoners definitely do not look like that. They should have done more research. This looks terrible. Absolutely terrible.