
"All the snake that'll fit in your pants."
I have a feeling Entourage + White People's Problems = 40. So they argue about who gets to accuse the house cleaner of stealing?
Beck's back! In vlog form!
Well, at least he had sense enough not to lie about it while under oath. Still, gross.
These accusations are crazy. Sesame Street has had plenty of non-liberal-friendly guests, including: Barbara Bush, Garth Brooks, and none other than MEL GIBSON. I'm sure those people were articulating gay propaganda, tho. Get over yourselves, conservative talk-show hosts.
All About Steve. Please. You get the feeling that the director's idea of really weird is eating breakfast for dinner.
I didn't really get to say anything on the bullying post, so here goes ("yes, salchicha, we really want to hear your opinion on EVERYTHING" -- you guys, probably): I think there's room to say that kids will be kids and that bullying is going to be around forever. But the real difference between a kid just getting picked on a little and brushing it off, and a kid having serious problems is how the ADULTS around them handle it. Having a message out there via movies, media, etc., that says bullying can hurt at the very best may make a parent who ignores a bullied kid (or even reinforces the feelings of worthlessness) reconsider their parenting methods, and at the very least gets the kid the message that there are adults out there somewhere that are sort of on their side.
Congrats to you, too! That takes some serious guts--I sometimes wonder if I were in that position whether or not I would be able to do it. Seriously, I'm too much of a scaredy cat to even tell the loud woman at my work to lower her voice (not that I'm implying that's the same thing or anything).
Congrats! As an extra bonus, your baby shares a birthday with Ann Margret! Awesome sauce!
That's weird because I thought England had already gotten its own Jersey Shore:,55071/
well, THAT was embarrassing. I *can* copy and paste, really.
This llama is fashionably late to the party, as usual.
Here you are!
Not to mention that his writing isn't EVEN THAT GOOD. How come the worst people get to pursue their 'projects' (Paltrow, I'm looking at you and your country singing)? Sorry there's nothing original to add, I just hate that.
I'm just going to put this here:
Oh man, making that bread just got us all pregnant!
Aw bummer. My silly job made me late to this love fest! I too love this site and all the fun it provides, even when I can't comment that much or think what I have to say isn't that funny.
Sounds like a better solution might be if some SMALL BUSINESS OWNER started a friggin cab company
I must confess to having given this trailer less than my full attention.
This perfectly balances my love of Jim Henson with my hatred of The Wizard of Id. Yin and Yang!
A valid point. But I expect we'll see him soon enough, in a movie called something like "We're Just Fuck Buddies" in the next few years.
Just when I thought I could watch Justin Timberlake and not get all emotional, he goes and makes me hate him all over again.
I like how it's"the best movie in the Apocalyptic genre" High praise, indeed.
I want to upvote this comment, but I'm afraid I'll be brainwashed if I do.
Dickelodeon. I know it's too easy, but at least it's concise.
Uh...I could get more behind this "advertising--so what?!" attitude if we weren't being asked to give large corporations the same rights as human beings or funding huge bonuses with our tax dollars. This being the case, ragging on them actually seems to be pretty timely.
Don't forget that Newt Gringrich is expected to announce his exploratory committee for his presidential run on March 3! So, there's that... We're gonna need a bigger boat.
It's true. Republicans (most of them, I know some who aren't half bad) don't want to make government smaller, they just want to selfishly keep all their money to themselves. Too bad taking money out of an economy and holding it all for oneself, never giving an ounce back doesn't keep an economy going. At some point we will all be forced to admit that we rely on one another in order to survive and maintain our well-being. Beyond and above morality, this is a good reason for treating others well that has nothing to do with "bleeding hearts"
Oh my God! I just upvoted like, every comment in this post, that is how much I love Roseanne. I too feel like everyone is always dogging it when it is the best! I remember seeing the whole cast a couple of years ago on Larry King, and them saying that a show like that would not get made these days because they were poor. I think they're right. I mean, there is an episode where the lights get turned out. As I grew into adulthood over the past few years, watching this on DVD was so comforting. It made me feel not so alone in a world where I felt inadequate and broke all the time. No funnies here, it's the truth.
I know, right? And what of the missing Mark Ruffalo and Michelle Williams? This cover has a long way to go if it wants to get out of my dreams and into my car.
Who's reading this? No one? Ah well... In the NYT, they had a piece on this book saying that the backlash this book sparked has something to do with this lady's confidence, which is just not there on the other side of the argument. But I think it has more to do with the fact that there is a split between what people view as parenting success versus life success. Most people and parenting books (I hope!) argue that giving your child a sense of self-worth, moderate happiness and the ability to take care of themselves is the most important thing you can do as a parent. But when it comes to thinking about success in life, it is about who can play the violin the best or make the most money. I experienced this myself, as I'm sure many people did, upon graduating from college. Suddenly, I felt I was overwhelmed with new standards that had never been placed on me before. "What kind of job do you have?" "How much money are you making?" I guess what I'm saying is, there should be more room for people to be viewed as 'successful' if they have managed to make it through life without becoming totally bitter, hostile toward others, or shallow and vain.
Watching this with Youtube's Closed Captioning (cause I'm at WORK, people) is making me feel kind of funny: Exhibit A: "not since I wasn't sees homail"
Secrets: 1. The Office's Mindy Kaling is not actually living her best life. 2. These stories of creativity are neither awe-inspiring nor just plain inspiring. 3. There is no way to dress 10 lbs lighter. That is a physical impossibility. 4. This quiz will not tell you if you are ready for change. 5. You are not really going to go inside the mind of a sport's fanatic. That is also a physical impossibility--plus, who cares? 6. These grains will not actually improve your health. There's no miracle food that can do that. It takes decreased stress, plenty of sleep at night, mental health, proper nutrition, and plent of exersize to do that.
Not trying to hate on you, either, but these are questions that a better cultural understanding of mental health might easily answer.
For all my knitters out there, knit two, hurl one.