
Olivia Munn posted that. Cuz she's asian?
Yeah I definitely would have appreciated more actual story rather than too many minutes of season one flashbacks. I thought "Oh cool, they are the Adam and Eve skeletons." and then they kept showing more and more of that episode. I actually told my TV, "I GET IT. PLEASE STOP." They framed it like it was the ultimate answer of the episode, when really it was just a mildly interesting plot device from the first season.
I hope they are the Adam and Eve skeletons
We talked about this last week too. I pointed out that they only remembered when Desmond mentioned it, and that they didn't spontaneously offer "Oh you mean flight 815?" But then fucking Bernard blew this rationale out of the water (pun possibly intended?). I'm going to explain this away by the way he was acting so creepy. Perhaps he has already FELT IT and knows whats up.
Yeah who even built that? Was that done just so that it would be easier to carry C-4 inside?
I was wondering this too. How irresponsible. I did read an interview today with Damon & Carlton that implied this might be addressed later? Because they are all about tying up loose ends.
You should get you're own blog. If you are joking. if you are serious you should go to veteran hospital. Source(s): commen scnence
I still don't have sound on my work computer and that trailer was VERY boring. I don't even know why I bothered watching it to the end.
I read the books (sorry) and her descriptions of clothes were the best part. It was always like "I pulled on a long-sleeved blue shirt and khaki pants." HOT!! No one can make clothes sound as sexy as a Mormon.
I desperately want to know the context for this. It can only make it funnier. Nothing is better than watching newscasters deal with something awkward.
Ok so I skimmed the comments to make sure no one mentioned this and I didn't see it. The most baffling thing to me about this movie was how in the hell that girl stayed drunk for so long?? I mean this movie supposedly takes place over the course of several hours, and we know she throws up at least twice. Something must be wrong with her metabolism? I mean we never see her drink again after the party until the show on the roof. That's just not how drinking works.
Lol. This falls under my many duties as president and creator of the Lost Appreciation Society.
Dude I am in Missouri. Tell him I like to hang out.
And how is NS/EW relevant on the island? Hello they can't use compasses or tell where they are? Anyway-love that tiny boat drawing! Adorable!!
Oh ok, here is another issue I have, regarding the timeline. How is it possible that Locke getting hit by a car and Sun getting shot happened at the same time?? Haven't Jin and Sun only been in LA a couple of days? As far as I can tell, its maybe 2 days. They only spent one night in the hotel before Keamy and co. came to get their watches and monies. Maybe I can assume they spent one night in customs getting questioned about the money but I doubt very much that airport security has the authority to detain somebody that long? But Locke had time to come back from Australia, get fired from the box company, go to the temp agency to have an awkward interaction with Rose, tear up Jack's business card, and get a very fulfilling job as a substitute teacher at the local high school? That had to take at least a week...
wtf what? you disagree? I don't get the voting system here
When this happened I said "fucking finally." It didn't quite live up to the build up they put us through over the last three years.