
Facetaco, if I remember my Latin teacher right (and I probably don't), there's actually an authority set up in the Vatican which maintains Latin as a language and creates new words in Latin in order to keep it up to date. Admittedly, I don't know if you'd count clergy in the Vatican as native Latin speakers, but the Vatican does have three ATMS that operate in Latin. Make of that what you will.
Every part of me now regrets not overriding my mother and insisting on seeing Book of Mormon while we were in New York. Damn.
It's really bad working in retail, because both customers and your supervisor would tell you to smile, and give you shit about your attitude if you didn't. Admittedly, this is pretty helpful in retail, but I have not once seen anyone tell one of the guys I work with to smile, for any reason.
Rory and Paris were clearly made for each other, to the point that the universe chose to bring them together again and again. I will brook no argument on this.
I'm pretty okay with videos being "old news" if it means I don't have to go on Reddit.
This is my new favorite feature. Four for you, Kelly!
I didn't just genuinely twice in as many sentences. Nothing to see here.
I first saw that show late at night while babysitting, and I genuinely thought I had made it up. Is it genuinely as amazing as the self-portrait episode made it appear?
Is it just me, or did every woman there wear a variation on the same dress? Like, they were all given a template, and they then had to use their own materials to make a form-flattering, short but not too short dress all of their own. Was this just the worst episode of Project Runway ever? #fashiongum
And his friend, John Martian! They don't allow you to have bees in here.
I legitimately upvoted this before I could see the punchline. I love this.
Marlee Matlin would be amazing. Good god.
I regret that I have only one upvote to give. Seriously, I'm never going to get over this episode. My sister hasn't watched it, and it's killing me, because I want her to understand the beauty of this episode's existence. (I also hope this will make her read Neil Gaiman.)
I don't even understand how she's shaped like that. How is that possible? Good grief, but I find her existence frustrating.
Godsauce, this is a good review! In fact, it's basically exactly how I feel about Thor, down to repetitions of "What?!", the exuberant laughing and my belief that it was still worth the exorbitant price of 3D tickets, so I'm going to have to ask you to step out of my life and give it back.
So the beginning of this trailer made me think, "Conspiracies? I love conspiracies! This could be worth it." And then Michael Bay's name showed up, and I realized I was better off working my way through the X-Files.