
I think God would prefer it if the gays having sex were married so they wouldn't be fornicators.
Is it okay to laugh or not?
Rush seems like a guy who would have enjoyed Batman Forever.
Poor woman. .11 is not even that high. My BAC is probably .15 after 2 Zimas. Anyway, people accidentally smother their kids in bed all the time. There was an episode of Autopsy on HBO with Dr. Baden where some lady did it to 2 of her newborns. Nancy Grace should set herself on fire.
I could tell this video was going to be amazing by the long ass opening credits. Every good video has those.
I hate Andrea so much. Hopefully she kills herself from the guilt of shooting Daryl and everyone hating her.
Exactly! Why is her mutant outfit what she would wear at the strip club? Doesn't she have regular clothes for her days off?
It's like people who are into movies but don't want to read the books they were adapted from.
The scary-ass part is that if she runs, she has a chance. *Shudders*
I liked how the wedding invitation was addressed to the vampires in Italy. Super authentic.
I hate Akon because he sucks but also because he claims to be 29. Suuuuuuuuuurrrrrrreeee, Akon.
I think that being based on a videogame should make a movie ineligible. Because NO movie based on a videogame has ever been more than merely watchable. So we don't have to waste Gabe's time reviewing Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, Resident Evil, Super Mario Brothers, et al.
It's funny when I'm not the victim.
My attitude towards farts probably has to do with my boyfriend being the fartingest man I've ever met. One year, he asked me what I wanted for Christmas and I said for him to never fart in front of me again. He said, "No deal. Pick something else."
This earns me down votes in real life: I don't always think farts are funny. There. I said it.
I nominate The Back-Up Plan with Jennifer Lopez and Wolf Man. Both so so terrible. The movie with Cameron Diaz where Selma Blair gets lock-jaw on the guy's junk too. I don't remember what it's called but it's so bad.
I think that we should stick to nominating bad movies we hate. We have not run out of those. There are plenty of them: The Wolf Man, most J. Lo movies, Cameron Diaz jizz movie with Christina Applegate, Joe's Apartment, The Pest, The Love Guru, Tyler Perry movies, etc.
Looks like a young Corey Feldman.