
I think it's funny when the eliminated chefs say, "I just didn't want to go out like this." In what way did you want to go out? Losing is losing no matter how it happens.
I sort of wanted to know how long they were actually in the stew room because it had to be at least three or four hours, and that seems unusually cruel.
I know -- what's the difference between "The Infinity" and the "DIY Infinity"? Was that some kind of test? Did I pass?
Joe Swanberg: Lots of awkward silences and bad lighting. Also, real live actual sex on stage halfway through the show.
"That is assault! I'm arresting you!" Sorry, reporter lady, that's not how arresting works.
I stopped watching the show last week, but I'm still reading the recaps so I can find out when Lori dies because she is the worst.
I need more people to talk to about Parenthood. Like what is up with Haddie's hair? And why is it that Drew had zero lines and barely any screen time until the third episode of the season? And did anyone else think the reason the coffee girl wouldn't let Julia adopt her baby was because it was a rape baby?
Where is my fainting couch? I just need to lie down for a minute...
It always makes me uncomfortable when my boyfriend, Idris Elba, sings to other women in his videos and then delicately writes on their naked bodies, including the inner thigh, using brightly colored paint, but I know that deep down he loves only me. It's called trust.
I'm impressed that Kelly recognized the perfect opportunity for a Joe Swanberg burn and took it. Chances like that don't come along too often...
For the record, I realized it was sand right away and thought the way the spider covered himself up was adorable. I especially liked the part where he shimmied side to side in attempt to burrow into his shallow hole.
I think the actual order would be 1. Whisky! 2. Comment on Videogum. 3. Nap in a men's room stall.
I was just like this at 2 a.m. on Saturday night, but instead of ice cream it was a bowl of Peanut Butter Puffins.
I'm actually on Gwyneth's side with this one. Pork is overrated! #bacongate
So does this mean the giant fairy tattoo that I got on my shoulder blade when I was 19 is now completely acceptable and not at all embarrassing? I knew I would never regret getting it!
The best thing about the bulldog video is it leads you to more bulldogs videos. Baby bulldogs are the best!
Lynne Ramsay's movie Movern Callar is so great. You should all watch it and/or read the book. In no particular order.
As a woman, I do not find him attractive. (Sorry, other ladies!) As a human, I think he is a decent actor and seems like a good sport, which is more than I can say about most celebrities...
I bet if Jeremy Irons really had a twin brother, he would think there's nothing wrong with pretending to be him so you can bang some chicks. And also murder him in a pill- and heroin-induced psychosis.
Walt Whitman has an "h." That is all.
I could watch this video on an endless loop forever.
I was really impressed with this scene for all of the reasons that Gabe mentioned. Louis C.K. is the best forever and always.
That guy at the movie theater is an asshole, but can we all agree that you just shouldn't touch people without their prior consent? The woman could have easily asked him with her voice and words to stop texting. I hate touching and being touched by strangers. Every once in a while I'll tap someone on the shoulder if he/she dropped something valuable and has ear buds in so can't hear me, but only if I can't get their attention any other way. A good rule to follow in almost all situations is keep your hands to yourself!
I just thought Anna Gunn was getting fat...
P.S. "Putting things that he wants slightly out of his reach and then pretending like I couldn’t hear anything he was saying" is going in my file marked Just In Case Husband Turns Into A Big Jerk After Becoming An Invalid.
I'm not sure why Skyler's getting so mad about a $300 bottle of Champagne when Walter lives by himself in a pretty nice apartment on the other side of town. If they're really trying to keep a low profile, he should probably move back in with her. Also, did Walt Jr. die or something?
I've already got a subplot: Charlotte meets up with the girls for a mocha latte after a long day at the store. They inform her she's got handprints hypercolored on her Hypercolor spandex running shorts. She is mortified and sets out on a mission to find out which of her coworkers manhandled her without her knowledge. Then she marries him.
You are correct. Although, I'll cry at anything. For instance, this 1983 McDonald's ad:
I love The Waitress and all, but she looks like a pregnant hooker from the '80s.
Those photos are barely a step up (down?) from a college art student going through a religion phase.
Is Community going to be my new favorite show before Season 3 even starts? I also have a question for Kelly: Do you type "hahah" on purpose? I thought it was a typo at first, but you do it all the time so I was thinking maybe it means "2 1/2 ha's," like it's not funny enough for three ha's but it's definitely better than two ha's.
I just read the paintball post because I was not a fan of The Wire back then, and I want to say that Michael Kenneth Williams is a very nice gentleman. He chatted with me and my husband at that Tanqueray event (where I met my boyfriend Idris Elba) a couple weeks ago and was not scary at all! I can't wait to watch these episodes of Community...
The person who recorded this video needs to "don't stop, don't give up" learning how to record videos of stuff. If you're gonna have a kid who's this cute and record her singing and then post the videos on YouTube, then the least you can do is hold a camera steady and keep it in focus.
I like that there's a description for why the movie is rated R: "for pervasive strong sexual content, graphic nudity and language." Ya think?
Christina Hendricks in a hoodie! Talk about burying the lede...
I never used to confuse them before but the other day I *heard* the trailer for "30 Minutes or Less" playing in another room of my apartment, and I visualized Michael Cera in the lead role. Then I was no, it's not Michael Cera, but for the life of me couldn't remember who the lead actor was. Good story!
It pisses me off that famous people can become instant artists, and people are willing to buy anything they make (I'm using this word very loosely) just because they are celebrities. Congratulations, Mr. Franco! You are now even more ridiculous than Sylvester Stallone!