
As an Orlando monster, I'm just glad this shit show is over. Also, let me recap the already-emerging trends regarding the verdict: people OUTRAGED that she "got away" with murder; people DEMANDING a retrial/appeal; people INCREDULOUS at the terrible education system where kids know nothing about double jeopardy; people INCENSED at how she can confess to the crime tomorrow and "get away" with it because of double jeopardy; people (literally!) implying that they will KILL the attorneys/defendant/jury when they get the chance. Too much CAPS, people!
You take that back right now!
I hate to be all lawyergum, but I think the vast majority of frivolous lawsuits get thrown out pretty early in the process. Everyone's for tort reform until they actually need to sue somebody. In other news: don't these docs look great, guys?
I know I'm really late to the party, but can we talk about True Grit instead? I finally saw it last night. So I would appreciate it if everyone just went along to whatever whim I happen to be on at a given moment.
I thought the ending was great, too, but also very:
What's that one with Jason Statham being a quiet badass with a heart of gold?
I've got 10 bucks in my wallet, so yes.
Aren't the majority of Chinese Buddhists?
Yeah, I'd be willing to talk about Treme last night, but Gabe, can we get a humanitarian comment deletion? For everyone else's sake?
I'm laughing so hard I'm crying. ::poor grad student in the summer::
You haven't ever been to South Carolina, have you?
I can only assume they were panned so far back (because she IS totally gorgeous and all of that) so that they could fit everyone into the shot. So next time I'm sure they'll focus a bit more on her pretty face. Also, I say we give her at least one solo go-round before we judge. I'm a cautious optimist.
I would go with "Anyong"
Also, if reading isn't your thing:
It'd be funny except for the fact that all of these people are totally serious about making homosexuality punishable by death in these African countries.
This used to be fields, as far as the eye could see.
I'll start writing, because that'll most likely be me in a year. #funnyandsadbecauseitstrue
It is not awful and I love it, too! I actually own all THREE Starship Troopers movies (I do not recommend numbers 2 or 3 to anyone). Stand proud, suburban commando. Stand proud.
I like how he looks like a cartoon villain right before he runs away.
I'm just failing all over the place today. I just don't know any Dutch, and German is similar, right? Right? I'll show myself out.
I actually realized that immediately after I clicked submit. Not having an edit button is killing me. Es tut mir leid!
In the Netherlands, non-alcoholic beers are called "lørries"
The Fonz thought this was a great opening.
There's actually ways to bake pet-friendly cakes. I know because my friend threw a birthday party for her dog a few months ago. I'm extremely embarrassed to admit this.
Am I missing something with all the songwriting going on here? I feel like I'm missing something.
I have so many questions...
Heaven just got a little more badass.
All of America's great pastimes in one picture: baseball, Larry King, and child molestation.