
This just makes me sad, because the still shot looks exactly like George Harrison in Hard Day's Night, and I would totally marry George Harrison in Hard Day's Night.
Wow. I have had a crush on Paul Rudd for like 15 years now, and yet this video is the girl equivalent of a boner killer because now he looks and sounds exactly like my cool uncle who was in the Peace Corps. I need o stop getting older, and so does everybody else.
That's actually probably Ukrainian! Which I know because my Ukrainian coworker always answers her cellphone with "Shoa?!?" ("what?"), which is what Mila keeps saying, and also because Wikipedia says Mila is Ukrainian. Fun fact: I recently had to spell "Ukrainian" to a paralegal at a large national law firm on two separate occasions, and she kept acting like it was the weirdest word in the world and who ever heard of Ukraine, the large eastern European country, jeez?
I signed in just to get super-excited about "Home Movies" being available for free! (ish.) Seriously, monsters who like Archer and Dr. Katz (and I guess Bob's Burgers), you must watch this show.
Yes! It is important that there's a curly-haired Disney heroine! I, like that Slate author, had no curly-haired anything as a kid and it wasn't until my early 20s that I finally learned to love my hair, and people STILL say things like "Wow, your hair is so curly, have you ever tried straightening it?" to which I have not once replied "Wow, your face is so stupid, have you ever tried punching it?" for which I think I deserve some kind of plastic trophy with a smug person on top.
This reminds me I never finished The Satanic Verses. I think maybe the protagonists (former B'wood stars) were going to resolve their difficulties with an epic showdown.
So, does the pet store sell bags of Chinchilla Dust, or what?
My internet cut out halfway through this video and I couldn't watch the rest. I think my computer was trying to save me from myself.
Yep. This is not a good movie to watch for the first time when you're older than 15.
I was a little too young for this show when it first aired, but my husband was just right (also helped that he was in Europe, where they were a few seasons behind). Gabrielle Carteris/Andrea was apparently his favorite. When we met in 1999, I had long, loosely-curly hair and wirerim glasses. I think we can all see what the terrifying conclusion of this story is, right?
I work in a really small law office as a combo paralegal/almost-lawyer (damn bar exam, I will conquer you!), and since everyone can see what I'm doing all the time I have to restrict myself to VGing on my lunch hour and after work. Which, since I'm on the west coast, means all the other monsters are already in bed/blacked out from obscene amounts of whiskey by the time I get a chance to comment, boo.
Oh, I'm sure it'll be a diamond in the rough.
I honestly thought it was "bi-opic" for years and year until someone explained that it was "bio-pic," like "biography picture." I thought it was more like "biography epic," or something.
Sally Sparrow! Someone else who thinks of her that way! Oscar-nominated indie darling, pfft. *nerd fistbump*
This is true, but the other extreme is when white people constantly ask people of color to tell them if something is racist, and if so why, and please cite three example in your answer, which is so not better. People of color may laugh at me for getting too easily offended by mild racism but I think it's better than making them be the racism referee all the time.
I swore I was giving up on Office this year, since I never caught up with the episodes on my Tivo from last spring, but I like Pam and Dwight so much together (funny joke times, not pervert times!) that the promos for the elevator prank made me glad I didn't actually delete my season pass yet. Maybe I will watch just that scene.
*tear* This is the most touching and hopeful portrayal of the future I've read all year.
I clicked on the comments hoping I wasn't alone, but I actually really enjoyed it. Admittedly I was using my laptop at the same time and wasn't paying breathless attention to every minute, but it amused me and there is no other show on TV with two black stars that isn't a fucking terrible domestic sitcom. I certainly liked it more than The Event, which I couldn't pay attention to for more than thirty seconds and kept fast-forwarding through waiting for the big twist.
Moe: "Ooo, the gaRAGE, well, la-di-da." Homer: "What do you call it?" Moe: "The car-hole."
Meh. I love Grace Park but she still can't act. And I can't wait for all the "Wow, Jin speaks really good English!!" comments on the interwebs from people who didn't watch Angel.