
One of the few youtube videos where I wasn't rooting for someone to smash their face on something.
I wish my wife and I could wear the same jeans.
"Why didn't you just have make the trial run with water?!" -All you drunks out there
I've seen this movie before. It doesn't end well:
Alexandra Lawn - lets make this happen amigos.
Also I guess it's time for my annual google the name of the girl who plays cello for Ra Ra Riot. Why she hasn't won the "crush " category yet is a blight on humanity.
I can't vote until I hear The Roots, Undun in its entirety.
Totes. Just like; "vicgtorli-bo-bian" and the forced over laughing.
Well, at the risk of sounding even more like an ass than I already do, I've been reading (and commenting) for years. Since inception (good movie right amigos), in fact. I even suggested this post: many moons ago. Apparently my desire to mock others runs deep--time for some real introspection and self analysis on my part guys... All I'm saying is maybe it's time to hit the reset button again.
Basically more anything that will produce funny people making funny comments, and much less "let's nail down the snarky 30 somethings demographic who pretend not to watch entertainment tonight and subscribe to In Touch."
Also, some more caption this and "we should all be so lucky" posts?
And more summer jamz and party games too boot!
When did Videogum turn into the blog about shows I don't care about? More Paul Rudd and silly people on youtube please.
I like Alvin. The world could use more Alvin. And videogum could use more people discovering their videos are being posted and discussed at length here. I'm looking at you Copper Cab and Daniel Songer.
"Yes of course I'm tweeting this. It was in the contract wasn't it?" -PH
You could show me the first minute of this trailer, tell me this was a remake of Herbie, and I would believe you.
"purple sweet pants" = total intentional pun that is not a pun
Hey Tom, are those giant Mercedes Benz keys in your pocket or do purple sweet pants just...oh what...those are giant Mercedes Benz keys? Ok cool. Just checking.