
I thought this was going to be a new Britt Daniel song. "We've Got a File On You" sounds like the title to a Britt Daniel song.
I wish I was the man who turns 20.
Sounds like a Simon Joyner song. I wonder how much they've influenced each other.
You Were Always On My Mind And Nailed Into My Heels
>abolish the 13th amendment Kanye is an idiot. I've been saying this since 2005 but I've never been as proud to say it as I am now.
4 minutes in and I can't even. He's talking about groveling to the cops to "protect himself from tyranny". THE COPS ARE THE TYRANNY. You've already submitted to the tyranny. If you shoot the tyranny, more tyranny will come back at you 50 deep. What good is your fucking gun? Worthless.
I think Killer Mike is trying to be the Billy Corgan of rap. Infowars was booked through the week but luckily NRATV had this slot open.
He seems to have fallen for the tired old straw man that "common sense gun reform" = "nobody in the world should own a gun ever." If Mike wants to own a gun and can demonstrate that he's competent to do so and won't murder a bunch of kids, won't turn it against his family, and won't leave it in his kid's play room, then go for it. I haven't heard a single person is a position of power or influence say otherwise. Telling rational people they're not woke while obliviously straw-manning their arguments with tired gun nut hyperbole is just ironic and hypocritical and dumb.
Who the fuck is Bud Light?
Exactly. I've been to a few tapings and the dress code is always worded the same and never strictly enforced. At a taping for Demetri Martin's show in particular, Demetri actually addressed the dress code, apologized for it and said he hoped that nobody there took it seriously.
You mean is it is now the penultimate track. Penultimate means second to last.
It's Chop.
Did Michael Jackson have ANY friends that weren't little blonde boys?
So Bing search results is what Apple considers a premium feature for iOS? Google Now just answers the damn question. Pretty revolutionary.