
Fiona Apple - The Idler Wheel Is Wiser Than the Driver of the Screw and Whipping Cords Will Serve You More Than Ropes Will Ever Do
No one is going to read this obvs, but! I think it was supposed to be funny because she had just chastised Abed for being crass for inquiring about what Britta was doing in the bathroom and why it smelled funny etc. and then she did a stupid and obnoxious dance because of pizza. Big words.
upvote for dodgeball because: Hooray college dodgeball teams!
don't watch this with sound: you'll think it's weird.
I think it would be super if gwyenth paltrow made the Ball this week... just sayin'!
You are not alone, I also love that show! It is always filling my DVR up. Highly recommended by steak as well.
sorry, I have a hard time reading
That is obviously 4th position!
That's Sleigh Bells!!!!!!! good band!!
I was just curious as to why he wasn't being screamed at also.
So, who is the completely unacknowledged person that is recording the whole thing?
Alice from Resident Evil!!! (does anyone near Baltimore have a duster that I can borrow?)
I'm pretty sure that I am laughing with her.
ugh, that was going to be kitten mittens! sorry
Very Norm MacDonald.
I'd like to nominate Jeremiah Johnson and Cool Hand Luke for awesome, older, dude movies.