
Seems like a good time for the Angry Dance
I read this site for a few years before I finally had the guts to start commenting, then I had to leave my time-wasting days behind all too soon. The highlight of my internet career so far was when Gabe replied to one of my comments telling me how to not suck at poaching eggs. Really important stuff here, guys. I'm so excited to see where Gabe goes from here, and to continue loving this blog and all the Monsters. Hooray Gabe! Hooray Kelly! Hooray Monsters! What am I talking about?! Anyhoo, happy Friday, y'all.
Upvotes for everyone!
I have been clamoring for a new WMOAT for months, but at what cost?
My cousin works on Parks and Rec, and when I was in LA she gave me a tour of the set. It was awesome! And fun to see all the murals and pictures hanging in the background that I don't always pay attention to. So, yeah, Hollywood or something.
I can't stop laughing at all of these, but today is my last day at this job so I'm just gonna let it happen.
I thought I watched this video yesterday but I just realized I didn't, I watched in my dream last night. So, maybe I need to go outside today.
Yeah, the guy wearing the $30 socks is holding the elevator for the guy who doesn't make that in 4 months. Come on!
I actually just googled "Daddy Warbucks net worth" to see if he was worth more than Jamie Foxx. Dude is loaded.
The graphics they are using to promote Tornado Week on the website are actually LESS intense than usual.
Ah! Didn't see this last night! What an unexpected treat!
Man, what I just don't understand is how someone managed to fit 100 hours between 9:00 am and 3:40 pm.
Guys I just want to say, I watched the whole video and I didn't see any energy balls.
Some things are okay, LBT!
This pretty much sums it up for me