
I...apparently needed to vent too.
Rape is torture. Torture is definitionally evil, correct? Also, fetuses are by definition parasites. Parasites that have value to a mother that wants to eventually birth a child, but still! Parasites! Can you imagine if we forced any male Congressman to host LITERALLY THE SPAWN OF HIS TORTURER, moving around inside of him, feeding off of his blood supply, making him ill for months, and then ripping his genitals apart upon exit?? What a blessing!!
And the Pretty One is on Veep.
And we can talk about how terrible I am at responding to the appropriate comment!
Only if we can talk about how terrible Luther season 2 was!
I agree completely. I saw it as the story of how some of the most principled Republicans ("Put American First!") opened Pandora's Box, empowering the anti-intellectual evangelicals to be the voice of the party ("Gotcha journalism!" "Obama's a muslim!"). I don't think it is too early to declare her nomination for VP as the turning point for American politics. Lieberman as a foil to Palin is an interesting perspective I did not consider before this movie, and while I think Lieberman is a complete boob, it does make me wonder what the string-theory-universe with him on the ticket is like. So stay sane, Canada, cause I only speak English, giving me few ex-pat options.
Imaging Leslie Knope saying this to the camera in a manic clip is hilarious. The Hillary Clinton line sealed the deal, though I doubt Leslie would call anything she loved "garbage".
Don't worry, her mom knows
"We are so lucky to have been raised amongst catalogs." - Vivienne Pitt
The jerkiness gets much much better by the end of the first season. Butttttttt then the story gets worse in the second season. However, once a certain side-plot is swept under the rug, it's nothing but clear eyes and full hearts.
Or that, even though Munn has apparently said he is not the one that story is about, he assumed that of course a story about a degenerate, small-dicked director was about him.
omg if only we were in the same place and anyone watched misfits, I would totally go with you as Kelly! I'll start working on the chav accent just in case things change.
Because not enough people have seen it unfortunately. They'll come around eventually...
My super secret baby trick? Smile and laugh a lot, but - and this is really important! - genuinely. Babies are cute but dumb and will instinctively think you are good news, which is usually very effective at keeping them tear-free.
If you read what happened, the Isaiah Washington situation was infinitely worse. He said it directly to a fellow gay cast member in anger, and then, once the wounds were slowly starting to heal via PR magic, he made it a point to say it again. In public. At a freaking awards show.
Um, am I the only one who apparently misunderstood the downvote? I had thought it was for disagreeing not condemning. Though, don't get me wrong, I only used it when I really really disagreed. Like if they praised Andy Rooney or something.
Nnnnnnooooooo videogum has always been a safe place from science!! Without it I am in a no win situation, where I either comment and am a pedantic asshole or don't and then lay in bed at night going "god those people were all so wrong!".
@Krys Eff those guido kids and eff all the little girls that are keeping them in the competition at the expense of actual amazing dancers. I mean, I am a few episodes behind, but I am prettttttty sure that opinion won't change As this is the first ABDC conversation I have ever had (minus the ones where I tell my friends it is sooooo good and then beg them to watch it, to no avail), if you are in the Iconic Boyz fanclub, I am so sorry I take it back they are the greatest let's just talk about something everyone can agree on. Like how I prefer the adorable, nervous D-Trix that was in Quest Crew rather than the chatty, confident judge.
I think you have put your finger on the thing that is keeping videogum stalled as an A- rather than an A for me: the viral video scene is too saturated. The threshold for me to watch a video has become much higher now and if the site is mostly writing about viral videos, I am less likely to visit it multiple times a day. And if there is a post about a video I have already seen, I am infinitely less likely to click through to read another take on it. So, for me: less viral video coverage please! Not because you aren't good at it, but because christ it is everywhere.