
This is by far my favorite internet find of the week:
Awwws. Also, I love that she's a pit bull puppy and more evidence that they're one of the sweetest breeds around. That is all.
I'll click on almost anything on here, but I just can't bring myself to watch this.
I'm ashamed to say I hadn't. It really, really does.
Decided to relive favorites from my youth, and this may be the senility talking, but I sort of think this holds up! Kriss Kross = timeless
Gah! I found 2 gray hairs this morning, and I thought nothing could possibly make me feel more decrepit.. And then I stupidly clicked on this.
Hearing about how many women get raped/killed in the UK while looking at DC in a wrap dress is totally, totally effective obvi.
My pup loves the beach
I wish someone would edit this to Pony.
I first started watching this without sound, and it was already amazing. But then I put headphones on, and somehow the fact that hes losing his shit (and slipper?) to house music made it 100x better.
Trent Reznor winning an oscar felt oddly satisfying. 90s 4eva!
Yes, that is my favorite (worst) part of that book too! It's like he picked up an Ikea catalog and just started transcribing items nonstop until he had to take a break to make some coffee (on his Jura coffeemaker, of course)
Ha, hadn't seen your baby hippo before posting mine below! Cute baby animal plagiarism :)
oh, hello there
I'm pretty sure if we just blared pony out all of our windows all the ice would melt.
I read the book years ago because my (otherwise sane) new manager really liked it and recommended it when we were discussing books, and I wanted to make a good impression. It's as loathsome as the movie sounds, and I was grasping at straws when she wanted to discuss it ('you know, that food she eats sounds DELICIOUS'). I can't imagine ever sitting through the movie, but you know, this ragey recap makes me happy.
I love how in the 3rd video he helpfully circles the baby elephant as a potential spy. Spies everywhere you guys!
Urgh, repeat! Sorry Youbastid
Oops I plagiarized you. Sorry!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtlenecks