
Right?! I am both outraged and really bummed.
I enjoyed the "the line is tight as a g-string" bit but, I still- no. Going to go hug the ground now.
I think it's more like the insane rituals of adolescence and then leaving all those crazies behind when you grow-up or leave town. Some of those close friends who shared the crazy with you become stuck in the town, beaten but it's kind of romantic? Nostalgic? I liked the beat, it's a grower.
I'm going to his show tomorrow! Until then, I will be crying violently like Donald.
Aw, I heart the Handsome Shark! Let's all dance like Simon!
Yess, and it was really nicely shot too! Guh, Mini's hot pink train-walk of shame and then colliding paths with her mom. Woah. I heart Alo/Rich/Grace (in that order) with a side of Franky so much. And so quickly!
I love its technique! Running start and then POW! my heart died.
Grace gives me the warm fuzzies!
"My grandfather's work was DOODOO."
And him.
Hah, "and Enya." It would be hilarious if The Hunt just followed a string of movies with Enya tracks.
I hope foodgasms go on everyone's New Years' Resolution lists. Except this just made Guy's video very inappropriate for me and my Five Guys burger.
No worries, I understand. Ontop of that accident, I was forced to watch a documentary on how chimps turn to human baby meats when they're low on protein/us ravaging their ecosystem. They're amazing and cute but filled with so much potential psycho. As are we... (cue Friday the 13th music?)
This. How can you contextually use this amazing gif again? And again.
My gym teacher was this 4'8" swishy-panted dictator that made us change in rusty, tetanus-prone dungeon locker rooms that I always somehow SOMEHOW got my spare sweat pants stolen from. One of the school's basketball star jumped over her once, like on flat parallel ground. I hated gym.
Excuse me! But, wouldn't you need legs to get on it on the first place? #grouchomarx
Definitely! His videos are also the best. So much nostalgia and badass beats.