
I would like to start a "No thanks, Benedict Cumberbatch" not really fan club with you Specialk. #dreambig
“I might not be great at first, but after a while you’ll feel like you prefer me and you’ll know I am a sex god.” – Benedict Cumberbatch / Almost every man ever
I vote next terrible Teen Mom 9 etc post that we can't bear to discuss we open thread- Wild Rumors about Gabe's future profession(s)
Gabe is leaving VG so he can make texting Gwen about GOOP a FT job. ITS HARD WORK GUYS, thanks for taking one for the team Gabe/Blake Lively.
"Sure I like making traffic signs that help, you know, people drive...and not smash into playing children...but I really like making traffic signs that are quips on my name!" -Blake Lively, at her job that she doesn't like more than her personal life, traffic sign editor.
If only we could prove a negative, so we could prove Blake Lively isn't real and not even have to debate her complete lack of awareness. Damn you limits of science!
I think flanny has a typo or two in there, which makes me unsure if this person who's LIFE PASSION was twitter, was a 5 or 6 year old....or they were 5 or 6 years older than flanny.. Important distinction, because are we calling children asses these days? If so, I'm great with that, but then also, 5/6 is pretty young to be passionate about twitter, so maybe they're our next poet laureate?! I need a lot more facts so I can go back to graduate school and write a dissertation about this.
Ashleigh battle, I'd watch it.
"Sometimes I like to do things I need to do, but I really like doing things I like to do"- Blake Lively's Hierarchy of Needs.
I knowwwwww, thanks for blinding me before I left work Kelly, NOW how am I supposed to get money to save the orphanage?!
New rule, if you have money/are famous/were famous/probably know some people with a good amount of money, you CANNOT use crowd sourcing platforms that were developed in the spirit of microfinance to fund your stupid pet projects. I can fully support crowd sourcing ala Donors Choose (fund kewl projectz for low income schools/teachers) or Kickstarter projects for entrepreneurs or people with great ideas but no funding...but c'monnnnnn Zak Braff's of the world, I'm sure you could fund whatever dumb thing you want to do by just looking under your car seat(s) (all your cars' seats, that is) (so many cars).
Ugh, thanks ALF. You probably ate FT's taco cat too, jerk.
Oh Ha-....wait....shoot..what's that good emotion that you can have sometimes when Gabe isn't leaving Videogum? I JUST DON'T KNOW NOW.
Maybe a block is even generous, that thing is a recipe for tangles and falling over. Good thing they have all that protective bubble wrap around to cushion the fall!
You guys forgot to transfer from the grumpy naysayer train to the fun train. Don't get mad because they never show the cartoons going to the bathroom and that's not realistic, and don't get mad at the impossible scenario where the bubble bike goes like more than a block away from its bubble trail.
Please get us all autographed photos of him building a boat! Okay that might be asking to much, just get one for me! :)
Bubbles, but it was an ephemeral, and ultimately unrequited love.
I can't even describe how much I need this bike right now! If only we all had bubble wrap bikes, we could save so much money on therapy. Feeling sad? Go bike on some bubbles! CURED
Nope Nope Ugh Nope Yea....Wait Shia LeBeof is in this and its about nymphomania? NOOOOPE
Oh I hear you. I would go a young Johnny Depp for Trent....or maybe a young Skeet Ulrich.... Could JGL do it? He's not exactly tall enough, but I kind of think he could pull of the character.
But how do you feel about the Cumberland Pass, Flanny? I need to know.
I was really excited about this Daria movie until I watched the trailer and hated the casted for every character except Daria! We should VG thread re-cast this bitch. Lemme start with an easy one and my favorite characters, JANE: Thora Birtch Mae Whitman Scarlett Johanson (doesn't seem obvious, but she's so transformative and she's already got a great Jane voice) Rooney Mara
Jesus Iceland, get WITH it will you? In America people are famous for no reason better than getting knocked up as a teenager or acting like an asshole and filming it. Also, we don't believe in consequences for most people that do flagrantly wrong things, but especially not for rich people, Haven't you ever heard of Florida? Bam Margera is from there, so I mean, you should've known what you were getting into when you let him into your country and your rental cars. He's not really from Florida, but you know, he's from a country that has Florida hanging from it like a blood gorged leech, kind of a lot like Bam Margera now that you mention it.
You were probably thinking of my Dad! This is a common mistake even some smart homeless people have made, like that time one of them chased my Dad down the street in Chicago yelling "Bruce Willis, Bruce Willis!"
Maybe he really had to go, drinking makes you need to pee so much you know and he was just trying to be more couth than Hugh Jackman by peeing in what was already basically a river of pee anyway. #considerateboyfriend
Congratulations, your boyfriend, and by proxy you, now have ALL the diseases. Well except for those handful of diseases you can only get in the beautiful NY East River, but you are going there on your Honeymoon, so you'll complete the set soon!
Do you still get to laugh if its a taco salad??
When my Dad was in the hospital the first time they had a really swank cafeteria area with actual cooked food that did not seem like it was from a can and was very yummy, but the second time the best they had was a taco bar. But taco bar is still kinda good? I am not that versed on hospital foods!
I get really distracted by gifs where the mouth movement doesn't seem to be matching the looks like he is saying...."I hate you" or "ahh choo"! Tell us the truth artdork!
Does your evaluation of them effect their grades? I've had no shame in burning people down in reviews before, but I also did try to let them know they weren't helping the group at all beforehand. You should try to keep your prof as abreast as possible about all the extra weight you're carrying, I hope he/she doesn't expect you to sink with the ship, that's just silly and not real world applicable at all. Yes, some people are terrible and lazy and still have great jobs, but mostly if you don't show up for work, or DO any work, you probably get fired.
Are you terribly interested in the Comptroller's race?? Stringer has a great record with the food movement, and I think his only real challenger is Spitzer, so there's not been much in the way of forums like this... I can't tell if you are joking though....INTERNET!
Although almost everyone that is efficient hates group projects, I totally recognize the validity in doing them, and the real life importance of being able to function in a group. That being said, I've got no pity for slackers! Is your professor amenable to grading you all as individuals despite putting forth a group project, based on performance in the group?
Orange, construction paper sun? Check Totally planet photoshop and green screen skills? Check Catsuit lady seemingly crawling into the butt of a lady doing the chicken dance? CHECK This video has it all, move over Blurred Lines, the real Summer Jam of 2013 has arrived.
I'm really excited to let reading all these comments absorb my work day, I get bored here guys, f'real. My day (yesterday) wasn't too bad, especially because it started out in a nice fluffy bed with air conditioning and tiny puppy dogs. A more well situated friend offered me an air conditioned place to sleep because I DONT HAVE AC and as you may have heard NYC is on fire like, all the time nowadays. Well that was very nice to not wake up in a pool of my own sweat, and to also have tiny tiny doggies greet me and guard the door while I brushed my teeth. Last night I went the Mayoral Forum on the Future of Food, that was great! Anthony Weiner was there, as were 5 of the other potentially less twitter sex crazed candidates, and they all did mostly a very impressive job talking about the food system. Except this one terrible guy, which if you are into NYC politics you know who I mean, he just answered every question with an ad for his grocery store. So I dunno, maybe good grocery store mayor, but probably not a good city mayor.
I'm staring at the asphalt out my window, terrified to go back out there. I think NYC might start on fire.
I don't know about you guys, but I get all my workout advice from gigantic monster men in fairy costumes, and my prison yard tips from sassy pop culture blogs. #goodplan
I think VG is preparing us to go to prison with all these strange tutorial videos. Then WE can be the teachers of the tricks like gum wrapper lighters and how to use a wire cheese slicer to killer someone, and it will endear us to the other prisoners and make us a person of status and value. Thanks for sparing us a shanking VG!