
I'm not even going to bother guessing what the car horn sounds like.
"I'd like to apply for the bartender job. What would I be doing on the job?" "Well, you aren't actually going to be making drinks, because underwater." "So what would be my responsibilities?" "How good are you at standing and handing strangers mysterious bottles?" "Okay, I guess?" "You're hired."
When Don and Roger leave through the front door of Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce to go meet with Dupont, Sterling Cooper is on one of the doors with Draper Pryce on the other. When Don leaves, he goes through the Draper Pryce side, opening the door by pushing right in between where it says Draper and Pryce. That would be the last time Don leaves the office with Lane alive. Matthew Weiner enjoys small details.
Does anyone have Sherman Hemsley's number? I have something I want him to stand on real quick.
Did you know there were 143 episodes of Saved By The Bell: The New Class? does that happen?
I think it's because Megan is being utilized differently than the other characters in the show that may cause a negative reaction. Megan isn't there to be a character that we are going to feel such a strong connection with; it's more how the characters that we already care about react to her decisions. Megan is a sign of the times; it's doubtful that she would have gotten much respect even two seasons ago. Mad Men is still driven by Don and Peggy; it's Don's mixture of confusion and yearning to adapt and Peggy's feelings about how people should react to advertising that is driving the story along, not if Megan is going to get a bit part in a commercial.
I'm not sure if he should feel relieved that the bear didn't chase him or insulted that the bear thought a stationary garbage can was more interesting than him.
You know what's cooler than a thousand words? Millions of dollars lost on production costs and marketing. Wait no it's not.
Why is it that the fact that he's not wearing a belt bothered me the most? There's other things, like practically everything else in this picture, that should bother me more, right? Nope. Belt.
I'm happy to get the number 1 comment, but I'm also sad that Twin Peaks didn't win. I think this pretty much sums up how I feel right now:
Haha there are utensils in front of the dog. Just because your owner is rich doesn't mean you have opposable thumbs.
What's that movie with the non-linear narrative that has a lot of plot holes but so many people like it anyways because it's "cool" but then you're like, "Well, there is no possible way for that to have actually happened because of that thing that happened earlier and the only way it could have happened is on a one in a million hunch?" and they're all, "It's a movie, anything is possible" and you get really mad and you don't talk to them for like a week or two?
I'd rather watch Bailey react to an episode of Seinfeld for 22 minutes.
I would totally go to a restaurant called the Low-Cal Calzone Zone.
I hope they understand the irony of placing a giant moth right near a hall tree covered in clothes.
Pretty sure The Soft Bulletin qualifies on both accounts.
Anyone else see Tabloid? That's my favorite from this year, probably because I'll love any Errol Morris documentary.
Do the Right Thing, but that would require you listening to other people's opinions, so it's probably not going to happen
It's really A Simple Plan, I mean, anyone could do it, even you
Definitely Maeby Tonight
Ok, so I don't know about you guys, but I've really missed the Best New Party Games each week. I understand that it is difficult to come up with a good topic every week, but that doesn't change the fact that I still really enjoyed them. I've been sitting on a BNPG idea for almost a year, waiting for it to be used, but it never has been. So, this being a party and all, I'd like to submit a BNPG for your consideration: **Arrested Development Movies** I'll go first: The Neverending Chareth Cutestory The best one will get an internet high five from me. and: GO!
"Their early work was a little too much of a Radiohead ripoff wannabe for my taste, but when X & Y came out in 2005, I really think they came into their own horribleness."
Noble Jones also announced he plans to remake The Muppets to see how The Muppets would fare in L.A. today and how the world has changed since the 2011 film starring Jason Segel. SPOILER ALERT: Steve Doocy dies at the end.
No wonder they called this song "The King That Never Was": the government during the time of King Arthur was more of an autonomous collective anyway.
Remember when Jesse and Jane went to the Georgia O'Keeffe museum and Jesse only went because he thought there would be paintings of vaginas? Classic Jesse.
Good thing Taylor Momsen doesn't qualify as a human being, or I'd be really worried about her.
Call me when he starts juggling sickles to dubstep.
Color me surprised that a website called is about juggling.
Pitchfork would probably give this an 8.6.
Give her a break. She just wanted children to read more books.
The Now Serving sign is still only at 17.
That's right, guys, be safe. ALWAYS bring your cell phone into the shower.
It's "proximamente". We should thank the Argentinians for trying to warn us.
More like Crappy Madison, amirite? Haha, just kidding. All of Adam Sandler's movies are terrible. Except Punch Drunk Love. That one was good. So, yeah.