
aw hell, apologies for the double gif!!
Breaking Bad, Gummo,, sir, have excellent taste in movies and TV!
I'm pretty sure the Tom Waits asthma attack dude mumbled "I gotta save him" at the end, or something like that. Although maybe he met the guy stuck in the carbonite and not the poor dog.
Totally digging Gabe's wicked witch of the east socks. Fashion!
Also lots of grown ups play with Legos
Whatevs. The Doctor is like nine hundred year old but he's still kickin' around time and space in his much-cooler-than-a-phone-booth police box. #massivenerdgum
except on weekends, when the bowl must be emptied
I choose to believe that Gabe is in fact Loki, the internet is a serpent drooling meme-based venom, and Videogum is the bowl which catches said venom, sparing Gabe.
I think the antoine dodson article already made all the puns that were possible in this situation
I almost always enjoy the Thursday night comedies, but I would gladly trade 500 episodes of any of them for one episode of Breaking Bad
Can we also drink every time we do not actually know who Paul Reiser is?
I would totally watch a movie that was just 90 minutes of this dude riding around in his bear suit, talking incoherently and performing freelance dentistry
Whoa is one of the glee actors seriously named Chord Overstreet?? That is just crazy.
I work at preschool/kindergarten and there is a little boy who sometimes has his nails painted pink or red and I always make a point when I notice to tell him they look great because I am worried that other people/kids will make fun of him
Make that movie that DirtySpaceNews pitched except change the gender of one of the protagonists and also make it so their internet reviews were about Pepsi and Nike #HollywoodPostItNote
My very first thought upon seeing the heading of this post was - oh man I bet someone has already made a joke about how teenage boys (is he a teen? or is he like 5? I cannot tell kids ages at all) should not be buying yankee candles and then posting internet videos about it, they should be watching internet videos and 'yanking' their 'candles' about it - get it, because like...puberty and stuff But then I read the comments and no one had and I felt like a total pervert for thinking that. True story.
fyi this comment is dedicated to Steve Winwood
Luckily I find tracksuits absolutely terrifying
Hammo featuring a scene in which Saiorse Ronan eats raw caribou in the bathtub
full disclosure though: I totally had the hots for that character and her sensible evil shoes
I agree that the ending was crazy disappointing, but I definitely thought the bad accent was on purpose - Marissa put it on when she was trying to seem harmless or whatever
you truly are a monster and a gentleman
What is this gif? Is that the guy from Big Bang Theory?
There's nothing worse than dealing with a staunch protein shake. S-T-A-U-N-C-H. They don't weaken. No? Too obscure?
It's very difficult to keep the line between the strawberry and the mackerel. You know what I mean? It's awfully difficult.
I think this is the best protein shake for today
Dude doesn't need a Delorean - he invented Cylons!