
Benedict Cumberbatch or cloned Dennis Quaid?
Haha, oh man! I'd forgotten about this movie!
The Office is actually going to come full circle before it ends. Everyone will hate Jim and Pam and Dwight and Michael will be the MOST sympathetic characters.
"It's Vegas. Everyone just walks around with neon lights shining on their heads, right? I'm pretty sure that's right." - Your boyfriend, the Gaffer.
Just to make you feel better Gabe, your last paragraph is totally true! The first season's development is key to creating a show worth watching for more than one season. The best shows remove plot elements that were in the pilot as they develop because they just won't work. It's like Richie Cunningham's long lost brother, Chuck. He was a flat character who wasn't going anywhere, so they just wrote him out. And Happy Days went on to stay awesome. You may ask how I can say these things with such matter of fact-ness. It's because, ladies and gents, I went to college:
"But those black bars make the picture smaller!" - The DVD Industry
Might try chrome. It's rendering fine for me here. But I know what you're talking about. I've had that happen, but I haven't noticed it in a long time. I think the last time it was really an issue for me was right after the switch to VG2.0.
I clicked play thinking, "I have a strong stomach. How bad could it be?" Too real...
We try. I can't decide if the crazy ones are just louder or if the people who broadcast the messages have a vendetta against us?
Seriousgum for a minute, you guys. This bothers me, you guys, and not in the ways you're probably used to on here. A) That someone's personal campaign from over 10 years ago, a campaign that I doubt was an issue for this election, should hold any sort of sway in this current election. And I know that we're mostly making fun of it on here because it's been drug up, but that wasn't the intent of the newscast. They honestly want this to have sway in whether or not she's elected, because let's be honest, it makes her look ridiculous. B) But then, why does it even make her look ridiculous? Because she's socially campaigning against something a serious newscaster won't even say the name of on air? Clearly there's already a stigma related to masturbation; it's not such a leap of the imagination to find someone who think it's wrong. So we may disagree with her, but is it really so outlandish as to be the only reason needed to disqualify her from being elected? I don't know anything about Delware politics or about O'Donnell's real qualifications or anything else about this election for that matter. But I do know that in the media I keep seeing more and more half-cocked, knee jerk responses to what goes on in the world and less and less serious thought. And it bothers me. Example: Anything related to anything Lady Gaga does (Meat dress story? Woof, on more than one level). So, this is not a response to any one monster on here, or even Gabe (Hi, Gabe!), because I'm pretty sure you guys are giving serious consideration to the media messages being blasted at us. I just wanted to vent. Now, let's return to lightheartedgum I just gave my engagement ring to Christine...
For clarification, there is no Region 1 of My Winnipeg. For translation, Lorrie lorrie no lorrie 1 lorrie My Lorrie.
You have my guild:
I'm a little weak on my ASL, but I think that was their question to Conan...
"You'll get a shortened sentence." - 2012
Do you just not like Tim Burton or do you not like Tim Burton retellings? (I would say remakes, but only Planet of the Apes is really a remake)
I don't think he understands exaggerated phrases. I think he reads, "Haven't seen you in a while. Are you dead?" as "Haven't seen you in a while. Glad you're finally dead."