2. Ewe 2

What the…?!?! Oh, okay, we see. Ewe2. Because they are sheep. This is what is commonly known as a pun. Well candidly, that’s a bit disappointing — for a brief moment it seemed like there might be something pretty spectacularly scary acid casualty crazy going on here. But this is clearly the work of a well-ordered (if livestock preoccupied) mind. Alright then, lets see what else we can get out of this. Are sheep really this dainty? Look at their tiny little legs! Sheep Bono and Sheep Edge both have legs like Bolshoi Ballet dancers. That’s kind of cute. Sheep Edge looks mutely terrified, or like he has been recently electrocuted — that’s not as cute. Does he have a whammy bar?? Jesus Christ, his guitar doesn’t even have strings — why in the world does he need a whammy bar??? Sheep Bono is doing that thing where he slouches like the leaning tower and bellows out a dramatic chorus — it’s pretty obvious that Ewe2 is performing “Pride” here. Hopefully they won’t do the spoken word part. Okay, we had our doubts, but on further examination we are sold by the “shear” audacity of the gesture (you’re not the only one who can play the pun game, Bleating Cards…).