8. Corgi Nevermind

So-called “dog people” have a perhaps not unfounded reputation of unbridled, maybe slightly weird zeal for their furry companions. The argument could be put forth though — has been put forth, even — that of all of the breeds out there in the world, Corgi owners are the most enthusiastic and passionate. And rightly so! Corgis are fucking adorable, especially when they are in costume. So all that said, cheers to the PaceCorg shop for replacing the iconic swimming baby chasing the dollar from the Nevermind cover with a charming Corgi! What was once a not unsubtle statement about an indie band “selling out” to a major becomes a totally cute image of a can-do pup in a hilarious underwater game of fetch. And you can has this painting for the low price of $145. What’s not to love? Seriously, if you don’t love this, you probably hate everything.