Yellow Dogs Shooting Survivor Details Tragic Encounter

Yellow Dogs Shooting Survivor Details Tragic Encounter

The music world and the world at large was stunned this week when three men, including two members of Brooklyn-based Iranian rock band Yellow Dogs, were gunned down by a former member of another transplanted Iranian band, the Free Keys, in a murder-suicide. The surviving members of both bands already released a statement, but now Pooya Hosseini of the Free Keys (pictured above speaking with police) has shared more details of the horrifying attack in a New York Times interview.

Hosseini describes the shooter, Ali Akbar Mohammadi Rafie, in chilling terms. As Times reporters J. David Goodman and Vivian Yee explain:

First all he saw was the gun, and then he focused on Mr. Rafie’s face, wild-eyed, not with anger but with a strange beatific purpose, an almost happy demeanor.

The story goes on to detail Hosseini’s negotiation for his life and flesh out his past history with Racie, including their falling out after moving to New York in 2011. There’s a detailed explanation of what went down Monday night and suggestions that Racie was involved with Freemasonry and being groomed for terrorist plots. It’s all pretty insane and terrifying. For more information and a sense of overwhelming sadness, read the full Times report here.

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