This Week In GIFs!

This Week In GIFs!

Hey, remember how earlier this week we had a Videogum Movie Club about The Fifth Estate and literally no one else saw it? Hahahahah. Not ONE comment was to say that he or she had seen the movie and had an opinion about it. I wish you guys would have let me in on the secret that I was the only dumb-dumb going to see that movie last weekend. I would have seen something else! Or, more likely, I would have stayed home in my bed, dreaming of a world in which I am not complicit in a prank AGAINST MYSELF. Anyway, let’s take a GIF look back at that part of our week that only I experienced, and also some other parts!

Ryan Reynolds got barfed on!

No one saw The Fifth Estate other than me!

A billionaire paid Guy Fieri $100,000 to be his friend for a day!

Tim Burton might direct Beetlejuice 2!

A ghost was VERY CLEARLY caught on video in a Pizza Hut bathroom!

We all watched Hausu together, as a family!

And, finally, we all watched comedy on TV!

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