This Week In GIFs!

This Week In GIFs!

Man, I cannot get enough of this clip! WHERE HAVE YOU GIF ALL MY LIFE? Please take a walk down last four days memory lane with me as we stroll past GIFs of all the wonderful stories we experienced together. You’re going to think I made a mistake with the Mark Wahlburg GIFs, and I did, but then I didn’t correct it on purpose because the mistake result was better than the non-mistake result would have been. GIFS GIFS GIFS LET’S GOOOO!

Reese Witherspoon got into some trouble!

Mark Wahlberg is one of the two types of comedians!

Gwyneth Paltrow was named world’s most beautiful human!

Michael Bay didn’t apologize for anything, actually!

Tilda Swinton danced!

Zach Braff started a kickstarter!

Gabe and I saw the best clip on Earth!

And, finally, we watched some comedy on TV!

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