Madonna Got Whiplash From Her Fall At The Brit Awards

Madonna Got Whiplash From Her Fall At The Brit Awards

After Madonna fell from a stage riser during a Brit Awards performance earlier this week, the internet had a whole lot of fun with her. But some things are worth considering here. For one thing, she finished the damn song afterwards, which is pretty impressive when you consider that she’s a 56-year-old lady and that most of us, of any age, would’ve been like “fuck this” after that. Also, it serves as proof that she sings live rather than lip-syncing, which is something. And anyone who watched the fall will not be surprised to learn that she was no-joke injured in the tumble.

As the Associated Press reports, Madonna told the British talk-show host Jonathan Ross that she’d hit her head and suffered “a little bit of whiplash” in the fall. (Scott says I should make a “not my tempo” joke here.) The problem: Her dancers were supposed to be yanking that gigantic cape off of her, but it didn’t come undone. Here’s how she puts it: “My two lovely Japanese dancers basically strangled me off the stage… So there was a man standing over me with a flashlight until about 3 a.m., making sure I was still conscious.”

Meanwhile, Giorgio Armani, who designed the cape, quickly went on record claiming that the fall was not his fault: “Madonna, as we know, is very difficult. This cape had a hook and she wanted a tie, and she wasn’t able to open it with her hands. That’s all there is to it.” You kind of sound like an asshole, Giorgio Armani.

[Photo by David M. Benett/Getty Images.]

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