Fabric Reopens With Tougher Security

Kirsty O'Connor/Getty Images

Fabric Reopens With Tougher Security

Kirsty O'Connor/Getty Images

When reports surfaced last fall that the influential London nightclub Fabric would reopen, it seemed it would take quite a while to meet the 38 conditions Judge Robin McPhee required the club to fulfill before it could actually happen. The Islington council had finalized the decision to shut down the club last September with licensing subcommittee chair Flora Williamson inciting “a culture of drugs at Fabric which management cannot control” as the reason for its closure, but the club was saved from permanent closure after a last-minute appeal hearing in which McPhee gave the club the set of provisions it must meet to reopen. It seems the Fabric team acted quickly as the club is already open for business again as of today.

Finally some news of an important club or record store not closing has come to fruition. Hopefully the Fabric mixes will come back along with the club reopening; there are some classic sets in their archives.

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