Steve Aoki Promises His Vin Diesel Collab Will Blow People’s Minds

Carlos Alvarez

Steve Aoki Promises His Vin Diesel Collab Will Blow People’s Minds

Carlos Alvarez

The Fate Of The Furious, the eighth film in the hopefully never-ending Fast & Furious series, is finally out tomorrow, although true cinema-enthusiasts are surely already camping out in line for the midnight showing. As it turns out, F8 isn’t the only upcoming Vin Diesel artistic experience to get hyped for. During a new interview with the LA Times, the action hero called Steve Aoki via FaceTime to help him describe a song the two recently recorded together in Las Vegas. Diesel handles the vocals on the track, which he said brought tears to his eyes when he played it for his girlfriend Paloma Jimenez.

Meanwhile, Aoki offered this about their collaboration: “What Vin brought to the table, I’ve never experienced before. I think it’s going to blow people’s minds.” After Aoki got off the phone, Diesel apparently shouted out, “I’m gonna get a Grammy before I get an Oscar!” Diesel’s been getting snubbed by an Academy that doesn’t understand the appeal of fast cars and family for years now, so hopefully the Grammy voters are a bit more understanding of whatever this track winds up being.

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