
That's a testament to the racism of the Recording Academy. She should have won AOTY arguably twice or more already. If she's won 28 Grammy's, that just means she probably deserves even more.
You can tell Stereogum's audience are boomers and Gen X because they actually think Gen Z is cancelling Eminem. You have to care about someone to cancel them. Ya'll wanna be relevant to us so bad.
Philanthropy is a scam to make rich people look and feel good while maintaining their obscene wealth and not redistributing any of it.
jadsjf i should've known the target audience of this site are Zionists. lemme show myself out.
Her dating a cop and supporting Israel, two white nationalist institutions and then denigrating black women are connected, dumbass.
Again, the ways in which black women navigate and reclaim their hypersexuality is none of your fucking business. There are no “softer standards.” Standards for what? Of feminism? Stupid ass.
She literally dated a cop and supports Israel’s right to exist. But because she’s an edgy white woman, critics falls over themselves to reward her shitty piano ballads.
Like seriously? What kind of 2004 feminism is this? “Boo hoo black woman sexy so bad for women :’(“ The ways in which black women navigate and reclaim their hypersexuality is none of her fucking business.
another softer standard for anyone of a certain identity, ie non white, non straight.” I can’t, are you serious? Yes, because being a black woman is a historically winning combo. You have no understanding of black feminism, just like Lana. Sit your cracker ass down.
Wouldn’t exactly say Chapelle is “thriving”, considering he makes lazy and unfunny transphobic jokes.
That’s a bit of a misleading statement isn’t it? The BTS thing was two years ago. What people are currently angry about is her saying that a different female Kpop member can’t dance, outing and speculating about Shawn Mendes’ sexuality, and calling Camila Cabello a racist. I love her as an artist, but she knew what she was doing with these inflammatory statements.
It's definitely a bop, but none of the songs on the album seem like a hit to me. I think Paper Rings would be a good next single, since it sounds like nothing she's done before.
This album is absolutely incredible and her most experimental and daring yet on first listen. But I’m still reeling because I was dancing so hard in my bedroom that I forgot I had just eaten a huge dinner and puked my guts in the toilet. Time to sue Beyoncé.
Huge Beyoncé fan here so I'm biased, but this is amazing.
This is so incredibly bad and so 2012. How did anyone from her camp listen to this and let her put it out?
Why am I crying in the club?
"Shut the fuck up." - Solange to you probably.
Blackpink coming is exciting. Not too sure how Ari's headlining set is going to go. Love her music, but she isn't the best live performer. She's also performing a few shows of her tour in a row before this, so I don't think she'll have time to prepare something great. Let's hope she doesn't get dragged, especially since she's headlining the year after Beyoncé.
This is so, so good. It feels like it should be on Caution, though.