
Yes, my arms were definitely burning afterward. From shame, mostly. Also, Sheltering Sky is great. It's right there on that bookshelf (next to Tommy Lee's autobiography, "Tommyland").
My Dad:
That means I'm sort of retarded and live a charmed life, right? I'll take it! Thanks, Perez!
"GOD HATES FAGS who watch Jersey Shore"
"10 Things I Hate About The Dark Lords of Brokeback Mountain" starring Heath Ledger (RIP)
One of my favorite all time movie memories was when I was in a theater in eighth grade and saw the preview for this movie. At the very end of the preview the voice-over guy said, very dramatically, "Hope Floats." And a fat dude sitting in front of me immediately yelled, "SO DOES MY SHIT!" Everyone laughed and applauded, because it was so perfect. (Though, I had suspicions he'd seen the trailer before.) On a different note, may I please nominate "Swing Vote" into WMOAT consideration? Thank you.