
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out? That reference is so old, it could be arrested for being unaccompanied at a playground.
That baby's reaction is basically the human equivalent of the spinning rainbow wheel.
On the other hand, it would kind of be nice if Atheism could be publicly represented with people who weren't so often totally smug dicks (see also, e.g., Richard Dawkins, the late Chris Hitchens, &c.) (Cf. also libertarians who are kind of uncomfortable being widely co-identified with a guy who is, if not actually racist/homophobic, not too worried about the racism and homophobia of his close associates.)
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Sex But Never Bothered to Ask ME, Not That I Mind
The Graduate, Who Probably Doesn't Live in His Parents' Basement
Throw Mama From the Train, Why Don't You
No love for the Finnish talk show sketch? (Also, Robyn-haters are objectively wrong, like flat-earthers and Obama on plan B.)
What's Up With Ladies?! Affluenza, or The Unbearable Whiteness of Being Klondike! (It's about gold mining AND solitaire) Tamagotchi: The Motion Picture
I call BS. When was the last time you saw someone on Iron Chef cut themselves as badly as they do all the time on Top Chef?
Three Courses and a Funeral
It was probably his evil twin, Dude Fieri.
This can't be real, right? There's no way this is a real, actual thing. Please, someone tell me this is just a joke and I can go back to my normal life. "I 'Like' these guys" - Cthullhu
Battleship: The Movie: The TV Show Battleship: The Movie: The TV Show: The Game: The TV Game Show: Home Edition (just people playing battleship, at home.)
Have Beefs? (people farting) Million Dollar Chatroulette (it's just chatroulette, and then Mark Burnett makes one million dollars) (If I were MAXTALL I could share youtube videos without looking like a dumbass.)
Dance Dirty 3 The Streetz Breaking Da(w)nce (maybe the announcer could be Stereotypically British?) Also it would be really hilarious if they got that guy Swayze to play the part played by Patrick Swayze in the original. (Rollin' 20s on being Helpful and Informative!)
I think this is actually the best tribute to the late David Foster Wallace ever.
Pretty sure these kids count neither as "scene" or as "hip," as I'm pretty sure you need to be within 100 miles of anything that can be considered a "hip scene," and the aqueducts and parking lots featured in this video don't count, I'd like to believe. Hell, I'm pretty sure even the most violently-coiffed metal dudes would beat the stuffing out of this kid for his shitty rapping. Can we call them sadsters?
They are listening to this in the car! Color me pleased.
Winter's Bone ("Too easy!" - Max Stone)
Who's Eating Gilbert's Grapes?
You only get one bottle of Someday, so it's important you're not just giving it away to anybody who asks.
You forgot hockey! Therefore, it was discriminatory against Canadians AND lesbians.
Take Back the Dark Knight
The Woman With Two Brains
I thought it was (at least supposed to be construed as) sweet and kind of ham-fistedly romantic? Also aren't "big gestures" like that supposed to be a Thing One Does to Get a Girl? It's not like he proposed to her at a sporting event.
Julian Assange - Thomas Yorke = (hair + libido)
Two Angry Babies (No?)
Man, my buddy's middle name is Valentine...I always thought that was cool, until Mustache Valentine Smugface ruined it for everybody.
"Oh man, that totally sucks!" -A Japanese Guy