
I always think it’s weird when a studio makes a film cut scenes to make it more digestible at the expense of the movie making any sense.
I still listen to their records all the time. I think they’ve actually aged better than others from that time. The one about witches is tied with Rehearsing My Choir for favorite wtf record I still listen to frequently.
Donnie Darko makes more sense if you watch the Directors cut.
Biebs looks like the guy at a Phish show who asks you for a cigarette in the Porta-John line.
Michael Stipe bought a painting from a dear friend of mine. If you click on the menu in this link you can see some of his work. It’s incredible.
When one dumb Tweets turns into many dumb Tweets and you’re doing it wrong.
Bill Callahan is Mark Kozelek if Mark tried harder and was less of an asshole.
Sky Blue Sky is the Wilco album I listen to the most. Best Wilco album is probably AGIB, but catch me on another day and I’d say it’s Being There. What an incredible career Jeff Tweedy has had. Summer teeth is obviously unfuckwithable.
This headline may have finally killed bloc.
Couldn’t live with himself. I’d imagine it would be near impossible to ever look at yourself in the mirror again. Still, could’ve suffered with it for the rest of natural life like his victim has to.
I think whether you believe Byrnes was doing this for the right or wrong reasons, isn’t the point right now that maybe it’s productive to look back at behaviors society took for granted in an effort to become more empathetic to our fellow man, and our shared history?
To any FBI Gum, I simply mean grassroots organization. This is my official statement. Anyway, psst shoot me a message comrades.
I like the glazed hair look. We should glaze more food. Is there anytime you can remember where someone glazed something and it wasn’t awesome. Also, Dunkin Donuts should make a jelly donut with vanilla icing. Ok, I’m done.
It’s more “That Thing You Do (Drunk)”
We have plan if Trump steals the election, right? I mean, I’ll do it, but you guys gotta do all planning and the boring stuff.
If a tree falls on the Internet and I don’t stream it, can it still suck?
Is it? It was fun when I put it on the other night. It seemed to SLAAAP! I could be wrong.
If High Fidelity wants to move toward Mz realism they could broadcast the Stereogum comment section. It sure beats trying to remember what a record store looked like. 😭
“Jesus, you don’t want to buy that” would be the name of my store.
If I had that kind of money I’d attach a record store to my house and only allow purchases I deemed acceptable.
4 bloc. Hang in there, old man.
Fun fact, Fête des neiges is a fun family snow festival in Montreal!
That guy’s probably awesome.
This is incredibly sad
You know the niiiiight’s magic seems so distant and fake.