
Does anybody else LOVE this new Kanye West record?
Exactly how big is the Eiffel Tower?
That's what too many drugs does for your album cover progression. Some day you just might put a wolf on there. Hopefully your favorite band never reaches the wolf phase.
Again, all you can do is hate. Attempting to care enough to say you hate the song is not cool. So not cool.
Every Pearl Jam album is the best. Only true PJ fans would agree. ;)
I'm not really that interested in people's versions of Beck's songs. I won't seek out anybody's youtube version, but it is cool that the fans get first crack at playing the songs before they hopefully hear Beck play them. People need to be nicer to one another here.
So let's just complain about Green Day on a Green Day post. Go away haters. Go away. Oh wait. I forgot that to prove your coolness you have to make fun of a band that is popular when they release a song that disinterests you. How about just don't listen to it and go away. Ahhhhhhh......
Do you think this guy is related to Billy Ocean? If so, do you think he would get out of my dreams and into my car? Bazinga...
What the heck is a Goblin? Is this some punk band?
Who the heck is Kanye West?
People always have to say something negative. I have always been in defense of Pearl Jam as well. I still am. If you have to hate, then why say anything at all?
Pearl Jam was always criticized more negatively than Nirvana, and they still are to this day. They have turned into the Rolling Stones of their era, and Nirvana pretty much has played the short-lived part of the Beatles. Pearl Jam's greatness is spawned more from their longevity of being a band rather than from the music they have created in the past twenty years. "Ten" does not resonate with younger audiences today as much as "Nevermind" because of the same reason it didn't resonate with the audiences twenty years ago. The reason being that Kurt Cobain's lyrics and methods of simplistic song craft are more personal and individualized. He was the one writing the material. Pearl Jam has always been a collaborative effort, and to many music fans, this can be a turn off if they do not happen to like a particular writing style of one the members. Vedder's lyrics tend to send a political message, especially in his latter days, and politics are not everyone's cup of musical tea. Favorite Song - "Porch" Favorite Moment - Intro and Outro of the album Favorite Random Memory - The friend who gave me the album has now passed away, but he once told me he wished he had kept the album.